Chapter 3

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In the morning I wake up and see a text from Conor. How did I get his number?

*sorry about last night...maybe we could meet up sometime again*

I quickly replied *sounds did i get your number in my phone?*

His message comes quickly, *idk, maybe u put it in there;)*

I smile at his flirty text. I set down my phone, and force myself to get up and check on Trisha. I knock on her half opened door. "Hey, awake?," I whisper harshly. No response. I open her door, peeking inside. Her black hair is spread out across her pillow, and she snores quietly. She must not have come home until later.

I walk to the kitchen, and make myself some toast, and sit down in front of the TV, pulling out my phone.

*hey, want to meet up for lunch?* Conor's text reads. Conor is being so not awkward about what happened only 12 hours ago. He is being open.

*sureeeeeeee, just tell me where;)* I answer back, shoving the remains of my toast in my mouth.

A sudden bang startles me, and I peer down the hallway, to find Trisha passed out on the carpeted floor. "T!," I yelp, getting up from my spot, and running over to her exhausted body. She kindly opens her bloodshot eyes, and licks her lips. "I was, looking for-pain killers, or something to get rid of this rachet headache," she brings her clamy hanf up to her sweaty forehead.

"I will get it for you," I lean her up aganist the wall, and go through the medicine cabinet in her bathroom. PAIN KILLERS (USE AS DIRECTED, ASK DOCTOR BEFORE TAKING) it reads on the side of the orange, plastic bottle.

I scope out a small, white tablet, and hand it to her. She is basically sleeping aganist her wall. "Just take that, then get back to bed," I demand, she nods, then puts the pill in her mouth, then chews on it. Ewwww.

I leave her room, and go back to the couch, where Conor and I kissed. A small text notification across the screen.

*maybe we could go to Manchester Bakery. i hear they have really good 'buns' if you know what i mean ;))*

*okay, sounds like a plan. will u come and pick me up though? Pleaaaasssseee?*

*sure, but be ready. see u in an hour. Look pretty for me* he says, and I feel my cheeks blush, thankful nobody is around to see it.

I hop into the small shower in my room, and wash my hair, and body then get out. I blowdry my long, damp hair, and then straighten it to perfection. I decide on a pair of high waisted jean shorts with studded pockets, and my high top white Converse, and a plain black shirt.

I put on foundation, and eyeliner and mascara. I smile at my appearance, knowing I did a decent job.

A few minutes after applying a small amount of lipgloss, I smile when I hear a knock at the door. I grab my purse, and walk up to the door, opening it. Conor is facing the other direction, and spins around when he hears the door. "Hello, beautiful," he says, latching on my waist for a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Hi," I answer. He blushes, and runs a hand through his short hair, after letting go of me. We stand there, staring at each other. "You look...really, really nice," he chokes on his words. I feel my cheeks heat, "Thank you, so do you," I say. His eyes rake my body up and down. "Okay let's go!," I alsmost scream. He giggles, and grabs my hand, and pulls me out my door.

"Trisha! I'm leaving!," I yell. I hear a weak moan from her room. I close the door behind me. "So, I am so excited you agreed to go to lunch with me," he says, as we walk down the steps in the apartment building.

"Me too?," I question. "You too?," he wonders. I nod, "Yeah."

We get out to his car. It's a black Range Rover. That must have been expensive. He opens the passenger door, and wait for me to sit down on the seat, before closing it, and hopping over to his side of the car. He gets in, adjusting his t-shirt, and putting the keys in the ignition. We drive out of the campus parking lot, and onto the main road in silence.

Not talkig about the kiss bothers me. "So, um, why did you invite me to lunch?," I ask. He smirks, naughtily, "I just wanted to see you again, that's all."

I nod, wondering if he is lying.

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