Hey guys this is a new story that I'm uploading well its not really a story more of letters. These letters are real but this isn't my personal story its my cousin's story and she let me use the letters and put them up on wattpad and i hope you like them. So comment and tell me what you think or if i should do something to the story. Thanks I love you all <3 <3
Dear Billy
This is the first time i've done this and I'm not sure why I'm even doing this, i guess i need to talk to somebody since no one will listen to me. Okay here i go
My name is Maree. I'm 14 and music is my savor. My parents are divorced. I have 2 brothers, one is 9 years older and the other is 13 so that makes me the middle child which sucks sometimes. How old are you? What are your hobbies/interests? Do you have any siblings? If you do are you the oldest, younger or the middle like me?
So why are you writing? I am writing because my counsellor thought it would do me good but i'm not to sure, i had just tried to kill myself for the third time and he thought writing letters would work. Do you think I'm crazy for trying to kill myself 3 times? A lot of people do except my friends they try to help me get through things but they don't know the full extent of things and the never know the full extent. Have you even try to kill yourself? The first time i cut myself and nearly bleed to death but my mum found me. The second time i tried to overdose on my pills that my doctors give me because of some bullshit and my big brother found me and the third time i tried to hang myself but my ex-boyfriend found me. I broke up with him after that and he got so angry he told the whole school, they didn't really except me after that. My friends don't know how to act around me and it kinda makes me angry i mean why don't they act normal? Its like they think it was something they said that made me go like this when it never was, I'm not sure why i am like this, its not like i have a crappy life i have a pretty good life maybe I'm acting dumb. Am i acting dumb?
I walked past a really cute couple today, they were acting all loved up and then i had to sit near another loved up couple and it made me realise that can actually never happen to me. Im never going to get that again. Maybe i should i have stayed with my ex? He was willing to except me. Do you think i should of? Well do you have a girlfriend?
Write back
From Maree
Dear Maree
My name is Billy Travis. I'm 16. I have one sister, she is 4 making her 12 years younger she is really sweet and shy. I play guitar and i love music as well so we have one thing in common. I am writing because my counsellor thought it would be good as well. After my parents and my twin brother died in a house fire i couln't really take it so i started drinking, doing drugs and partying non stop until my aunt got really sick of it and sent me to rehab where we go to counselling sessions everyday. They made me explain my whole life story to them and they came up with this to help, I'm not sure if it will as well. No i don't think your crazy for trying to kill yourself but i think your crazy for letting your boyfriend go he obviously cared if he was willing to stay with you after that, i know a lot of guys who would do that but i think he shouldn't have told the whole school something so personal. I think you should tell you Friends about everything that's happening with your life they will understand and if they don't they really aren't your true Friends. As for your jealousy on relationships you will find someone some day that will make you happy and won't judge you on your past as long as you move forward to forgot about the and welcome the good. Ha ha that was wise of me :D and yes i did have a girlfriend but we broke up a few months ago.
Whats your personalty like? What do you look like?
What did you think? Tell me if anything is wrong okay
Love <3 <3