You like them too?

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"What happen?" BEN asked as soon as Slender put Jeff on the couch. "I knocked him out with a frying pan!" Midnight said happily hold up the frying pan. "Oh... Well, I don't know what to say to that." Masky said, while Hoodie laughed. "He will be alright, but he will be mad when he gets up. Come child, I'll show you to your room." Slender said walking up the stairs. "I'm not a child..." Midnight said to herself as Slender sighed.

As he showed her to her room she looked at the doors as they passed. The first one on the right was yellow and orange. The bottom foot and a half of the door was yellow while the rest was orange. While to door across the hall was pink with little white flowers. The next one on the right was green with what looked like lines going down the door, but a closer look, Midnight seen it was codes.

The one across the was white, guessing that meant not in use. The next one on the right was another white on, but the one across the hall was different. It was white, but it had red splattered all over it, it made it look like blood. The next door on the right was black and white, strips like a candy cane. Across the hall was a brown door, with what looked like bars painted on it.

The one beside that was a white door that looked to be wearing a suit like Slender, knowing that had to be his room. The one next to Slender's was white, and across from his was a dark purple door. Next to it a blue door, it looked like someone painted it then poured black over the top.

"This is your room." Slender said opening the dark purple one. Midnight walked in and looked around, she turned around to tell him thanks but he was already gone. She turned and looked around her room. Queen sized bed with violet bed sheets and cover along with violet and black pillows. Her windows were blacked out but you could still see out of them, just not in them. "Good no sunlight before lunch." Midnight laughed to herself.

Midnight looked around one more time before heading out her window, looking for a midnight night kill, since it was around 11:30 right now. Or so she thought. Once her feet hit the ground she changed, not physically, but mentally. She cracked a small smile, slowly growing wider as she ran to a town. Once she got there her smile turned to a small frown. "I left my knife..." Midnight said thinking. She snapped her teeth. "That's okay, I got something sharp." She said as a screamed filled the night.

Midnight smiled into the air, taking a sniff. Blood... She followed the secant to an old looking house. She slowly opened the door, shocked that it didn't make a sound. This is where the blood smelled the strongest. She looked around and saw a woman on the floor, blood pooling from her throat. A teenage boy, bout around her age in the corner. She smiled at him showing her razor sharp teeth.

He tried to move closer to the wall. "Hehe, don't be afraid, for I only want what you hold inside." She said stepping closer. The guy freaked out and pulled a knife from behind him, trowing it, hitting her in her thigh. "SSS!" She took a sharp in take of breath pulling the knife out. "You shouldn't have done that." Midnight said then laughed because that's BEN's line. She jumped at him yelling "Light's out." Right before the knife hit his eye. Pulling it out and stabbing the other one as well.

Earsplitting screams sounded though the night. The killer turned back to the old house that he just left. He had killed the man that ran from the house. Grabbing the rest of the organs and putting them in his hoodie pocket he took off back to the house.

Tossing the knife aside she pinned him to the floor. All though he could not see he tried to push her off but to no avail. She laughed as her sharp teeth sank into his soft flesh on his neck. Another earsplitting scream. She ripped the chunk off his neck and spit it out. She wanted to insides, not out.

She took her nails and racked up his side, tearing his skin all the way though. Another scream plus a sob this time. She slipped her hand in side looking for the right one. Reaching up closer to his heart, only to grab hold of a lung. He took a sharp intake of breath and Midnight felt it expand in her hand. She started to squeeze and he tried to take more air in but only getting half of what he needed.

She crushed his lung with ease. Going for the next one and grabbed a hold of it lightly. "Hold your breath." Midnight said as he took in as much air as he could. With that she crushed the other one. Grabbing his still but slowly beating heart she ripped it out taking a big bite of it. She heard someone take in a sharp breath. She quickly turned seeing another guy standing there, but this one had blue mask on with black stuff leaking from them.

She took another bite studying the boy. Weather or not to kill him, until he spoke up. "You like them too..." The guy's voice said she stuffed the last bit in her mouth. After she swallowed she said. "Guess so." The guy nodded and started to put organs in a small ice box in his book bag. Midnight started to help him. "The name's Eyeless Jack." He said getting up. "Midnight." Midnight said walking out behind the guy. Soon they came to Slender' mansion. Once they walked in everyone started to ask questions.

"Where did you go?" BEN and Masky.

"Why are you covered in blood?" Slender.

"W-what h-happen to y-your l-leg?" Toby and Hoodie.

After explaining every thing to every one Midnight took a shower and went to bed.

"It's hiding in the dark

It's teeth are razor sharp

There's no escape for you

It wants your soul,

It wants your heart."

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