Clubbing like now.

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After Midnight and EJ got back home and hid there stuff for tonight they went down stairs laughing while every one looked at them like 'Da heck...'. EJ and Midnight just laughed more and walked in to the den by the living room. EJ picked up a drawing pad and Midnight was thinking. Midnight sighed from her spot on the floor. "What's up, Midnight?" EJ said looking over his drawing pad. "Well Masky and Hoodie broke my bow staff-"

"We didn't mean to!" They yelled from the other room. "We even got you a knife!" Masky added.

"So I was thinking, that I might need a different weapon because just this knife isn't cutting it." Midnight said looking at him. "Go look online for something then, then we can go to town to get it." EJ said. "That's a good idea EJ! Thanks!" Midnight said and running to a laptop. "EJ! I FOUND ONE!" Midnight screamed. "That's good Midnight!" EJ yelled back. "WELL!?!" Midnight yelled in his ear. He jumped and fell from his chair, dropping his drawing pad. "Why you do that?" EJ said rubbing his head. "Oh I'm sorry EJ, it's just that I found one and there's only one left... and... and... I really want it." Midnight said looking at the floor.

"Alright let's go get it and we will have to practices with it too." EJ said. "Alright! Let's go!" Midnight said pulling him along, all the way to the town. "That's the one! Right there!" Midnight said pointing to a small gold one. "Are you sure? It's really small." EJ said. "Trust me. They don't know what it is. To them it's just a bracelet." Midnight whispered to EJ as the guy gave it to her and she paid for it. She slipped it on and walked out with EJ.

"So what is that thing?" EJ asked. "It's a whip." Midnight stated. "Don't look like no whip." He said. "Just wait." She told him as they walked into the woods. EJ took her the spot where he trains, in a small clearing. There was dummies hanging on the trees. "I come here to train some times. So go ahead and show me what you got." EJ said leaning again a tree.

Slender watched as Midnight took off her bracelet off and hold it like a whip. 'Why would she need that? I gave her tentacles...' He thought to him self. He watched as she lifted it up and bringing it down really fast. It grew form a foot bracelet to a seven foot golden whip. He watched as she swung it around Wrapping it around one of the dummies, tearing it from the branch, snapping the two inch rope in half. Moving to the next one then the others. Slender's eyes widen as he watched. He was once again in human form because he followed Midnight and EJ to town.

After she took out all 25 dummies EJ started to clap slowly then faster. Slender was wanting to join but they would see him. He teleported back home to his room. He thought he had to get his mind off of things and go out. So he did. He got dressed and left, going in town. I was around 8:30 when he left.

Midnight and EJ went home. Midnight walked in first and ran to pick up EJ's drawing pad, running with it laughing. "Midnight, give that back!" EJ said running after her. She ran upstairs and locked herself in the bathroom in the hallway. She looked down at the drawing, her eyes widen. EJ danging on the door. "Midnight, let me in now! Give it back!" EJ yelled. Midnight opened the door and pulled EJ in. "What is this!?!" Midnight asked showing EJ his drawing.


"EJ are you gay!?!" Midnight whisper/yelled. EJ looked down at his feet. "Oh man god... You are!" Midnight said. "Please you can't tell no one. Not even him!" EJ said pointing to his drawing of him and Jeff. "I wont." Midnight said giving his drawing pad back. "But this will work with our plain tonight... Wait what time is it?" Midnight and EJ ran out the bathroom, EJ running into Jeff and knocking them over, EJ landing on Jeff. "S-sorry man..." EJ said getting off him and rubbing the back of his neck. Jeff sat up and picked up EJ's drawing pad and looked at it his eyes widen. EJ looked up at him, seen him looking at his drawing, froze, blushing. "It's 9! EJ we have to go! NOW!" Midnight said saving him by grabbing his hand and pulling him to her room. As he was pulled by Jeff he grabbed his notebook back. Midnight slammed the door and started to pull there stuff out. "Come on EJ we - What's wrong?" Midnight said looking over at EJ. "He seen it." He said. "Oh, I'm sorry... Come on I can get your mind off of it." Midnight said. EJ looked up at her, and seen her in just her bra and underwear. "Hey those are cute on you." He said. "Thanks, now get dress." Midnight said. After they got dress Midnight took EJ's hand and pulled him down the stairs. "EJ can I-" "Sorry Jeff, were late! gotta go!" Midnight said cutting Jeff off.

Slender/Sebastian was at some dance club drinking at the bar. "I'll take another." He said. "Sir, are you sure? You had about 20 already." The man at the bar asked. "I can still feel. I haven't had enough yet." Sebastian growled. The man hurried and made another one with extra shots in it.

Midnight and EJ made it to the club. EJ left his mask at home after Midnight threw it in her underwear draw. His skin a really tan color. They walked in and the song 'Hips don't lie by Shakira' was playing.

"And when you walk up on the dance floor
Nobody cannot ignore the way you move your body, girl
And everything so unexpected - the way you right and left it
So you can keep on shaking it"

Midnight looked around and seen a guy around there age watching girls as well as guys. "There," Midnight said pointing at the guy as EJ looked over at him. "That's our pray." EJ nodded and followed Midnight as she made her way over to him. "Hey sexy, what's your name?" Midnight said rubbing her hand up his chest. Midnight's dark side already taking over. "Zac. What about you and your sexy friend here." Zac said. Midnight giggled. "I'm Midnight and this is my friend Jack." She told him. She whispers something in his ear and he grins. EJ looked at her and she played with her earring. EJ started to listen to the song that was playing.

"I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch
Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood
Carnivore animal, I am a cannibal
I eat boys up, you better run
I am cannibal (cannibal, cannibal, I am)
I am cannibal (Cannibal) (I'll eat you up) (I am)
I am cannibal (cannibal, cannibal, I am)
I am cannibal (cannibal) (I'll eat eat you up)"

EJ nodded and leaned into Zac. "Come on, Zac, let's go some where a little bit more..." "Private." Midnight finished EJ statement. Zac grinned as nibbled on his ear. "I got just the place." Zac said as Midnight and Jack follow and high five each other. Zac lead them to the back exit, that lead to a dark ally.

Sebastian turned and looked around the club and seen Midnight walk out the back exit. "Midnight..." He breathed walking after her.

Midnight slipped her whip off and the guy turned around. "So who's first?" Zac asked. Midnight giggled. "You are silly." She said as she whipped her whip at him, it wrapping around him. She pulled him to her and met him half way by jumping on him. He went to scream but EJ quickly shut him up by covering his mouth. After knocking him out, Midnight cut opened him up and grabbed his still beating heart. She yanked it out of his chest as EJ grabbed his kidney. Midnight quickly ate it and washed off with a near by facet. She left EJ there to finish him off.

She walked back the the back door of the club just as some guy stumbled out. She back up to the wall across from the door as the guy stood up. "It's you." Midnight said looking at the guy that she danced with at the Ball. He looked up at her. He walked over to pinning to the wall. "I've missed up." He told her as he kissed her softly. She Wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer, lifting her up and pinning her to the wall. He moved his kisses down her neck and stopped as she moaned softly. He bite it as she gasped, then he licked it and sucked on it, giving her a hickey. He moved down to the top of her chest, where her boobs pop out of her dress a little. He licked them then kissed each one. Soon he got rougher and Midnight loved it. As he kissed her and slid his tongue over her lips, letting him in, and he rubbed his hand on her inner thigh, as she moaned. He growled, loving what he was getting from her, pushing himself closer. She slid she hands down his bear chest, earning a moan from him. She kissed his neck and gave a slight nibble. He growled again as he wanted more, as he ran a hand up the inside of her dress. In the back of his head he was shouting to him self. 'NOT HERE! NOT LIKE THIS! STOP!' He drew back some and let her down. They was both breathing heavy. "I must go know. My name is Sebastian by the way." He said taking her hand and kissing it. "Mine's Midnight." She told him. "One more day my love... And I'll show you who I really am..." He said as he walked off. Midnight didn't have time to think about it because EJ came running up to her. "Run! Someone called the cops!" They both took off back home.

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