The Mirror

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The mirror had many scratches, it was cracked as parched ground. It was a wonder the Queen still had it hanging in her room. Why she wanted it around, no one ever knew. Gwynnia didn't like things that weren't beautiful. Not as a view of people, of course, but beautiful things pleased her the most, and always would.

The young woman looked up as she heard her door being knocked on, and she sighed exasperatedly and got up to open it. Every day she sat for hours in front of the mirror, either just looking or talking to her very distorted reflection. The Queen was very beautiful in herself, with dark brown hair that swept in natural waves past her chest, which she had breasts that were almost unproportional to her waist and her general body size. Slightly slanted blue eyes with winged lashes really only added to her alluring appearance, and her face was small and slanted with high cheekbones, and a small straight nose, and a little pointed chin. The brunette's skin was gleaming white, and virtually unblemished, with nice full lips and arched eyebrows. She opened the door with a twist of her wrist, and the young woman, an elf, gave a little curtsy.

Elves were commonly employed under her service, just never humans and dwarves, most people said it's because they weren't curvy enough for her taste, but that wasn't exactly true, she just liked elves being around because she thought they were very cute and sweet.

"My Lady, you have cuts on your hands." The elf said nervously, her eyes flicking to Gwynnia's hands. Gwynnia often let her frequent her chambers, she was good friends with the young woman by now. Her name was Aria, and she had nice slanted green eyes that seemed to be bottomless, and a willowy frame with a long sheaf of beautiful black hair that reached down to about the small of her back.

As for the cuts on Gwynnia's hands, she often tried to pick the mirror apart piece by piece, the cracked edges would slice her hands and fingers as she peeled and pried at the jagged corners. "Oh, yes..I forgot about them. But I don't want bandages on them...I'm meeting some delegates from the dragon people or whatever they wish to call themselves, it's unsightly." Gwynnia said sternly.

"But those cuts are more unsightly, and they'll bleed and get infected!" Aria scolded her queen back. Aria was really the only one who could in all honesty order around, scold, and argue with her sovereign. Anyone else would be sharply reprimanded, because Gwynnia really didn't like that.

Gwynnia sighed softly. "You always did know what was best for me.." She finally conceded to let Aria bandage her hands, the servant elf suggested that she wear a dress with long dagger sleeves so that she could hide her hands in them without seeming too conspicuous if she was really that upset about it, which the queen gladly agreed to. The brunette winced softly as the elf girl dipped her hands into some clean water, and then rubbed some healing fluids on her hands.

"You shouldn't try to pick a mirror apart with your bare hands, My Lady..If you don't like it that much, you can always have another.." Aria said softly as she wrapped some bandages around the Queen's hands. "No, that mirror holds too many memories, don't get rid of it." Gwynnia said, and this time her tone brooked no argument. Aria nodded softly.

After the elven girl was done disinfecting and cleaning out the deep gashes on Gwynnia's hands, she began to help the queen to dress. She had absolutely seen the older woman naked or close to naked many times over, but it still embarrassed one or more of them each time, mostly because of the Queen's very attractive form. Thankfully the Queen washed her hair and her body by herself, but she did need help doing up the various corsets and ties on her dresses that she often wore. Aria thought she really didn't need corsets in the first place, but she would never admit that to the young woman, of course.

The wolf woman very carefully undressed, not wanting to hurt her fingers. Her fingers were long and beautiful, they were adorned with long nails that were at least a couple centimetres long if not an inch, and filed sharp enough to cut someone severely if she wanted to, not to mention cuts from fingernails could get infected easily from the germs they accumulated, due to the dirt that built up underneath them, even though she kept them immaculate. The little elf blushed softly as Gwynnia's dress fell softly to the floor with a soft rustle of fabric, the dress had been a red one, the Queen's favourite colour. Though it wasn't without reason, it suit her personality, stature, and gave her a rather sensual type of femininity, though blue accentuated her white skin in the same manner, not to mention dark blue or black was a very slimming colour, which made her breasts and hips seem all the bigger against her sharply curved waist.

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