I Kinda Like You

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Gwynnia walked with the young woman, her hand resting on Heather's back softly. She was a very interesting lady, actually. The Queen was very interested in her.

"I came here alone, but I have three boys at home, Eric, Sam and Vincent." Heather explained, smiling softly as she thought of her children. "I have two babies too, well..I had..two children.." Gwynnia said softly. Her face fell as she thought.

Heather looked over at Gwynnia. "Um...are you okay..?" She asked, frowning. "Oh, yes..I mean, I still have my daughter Arabella, but my son..um..he's..dead..."

Heather looked upset about that. "Oh, I'm so sorry dear! I shouldn't have asked!" Heather squealed. Gwynnia bit her lips. She shouldn't have even said anything about her kids. It always darkened everything, without fail.

"I'm so stupid..." Gwynnia's mind told her, but she bit her lips again, and then shook her head. "No...it's..it's okay..." She managed. The brunette then plastered a smile on her face, though it stretched her lips tightly and she knew it looked like someone was pulling her cheeks from behind, and it probably didn't reach to her eyes this time. "B-But anyways..I'd be happy to meet your kids..do you have a husband? O-Or if they're adopted because you're a lesbian, I'm sorry."

Heather raised her eyebrows. "Uh, no...my husband's dead..and I'm not a lesbian, do I..strike you as one..?"

Gwynnia bit her lips softly. "I'm really sorry about your husband...and no, you don't strike me as a lesbian, I'm just asking because..um..no reason..." Gwynnia blushed red, she wasn't sure whether she actually wanted to tell her she was a lesbian or not, since she assumed Heather was a straight woman because she had a husband and biological children.

They were entering the gardens at this point, and Gwynnia bent her legs softly to sit amongst her little flower patches, she closed her eyes and breathed in the sweet scents, the warm air pleasant on her pale face. Heather sat down beside her, she was close enough that Gwynnia could smell the other woman.

"By, the way, I..um..I had a husband, yes. But, I'm bisexual.." Heather said, blushing. Gwynnia nearly grabbed her and kissed her right then and there, but of course she didn't. She wasn't sure whether she wanted to tell her sexuality just yet, even though Heather had just told her her's. "Oh, w-well, that's good. Th-Thanks for telling me." Gwynnia said, smiling softly.

"Are you..blushing?" Heather giggled. Gwynnia just blushed even more. "N-No..." "Yes, you are!" Heather poked her cheek. Gwynnia squealed, and covered her face with her hands.

Heather gave a little giggle. "You're..not such an intimidating queen when you're all cute." Gwynnia squeaked. "I-I'm still the same! And I'm not cute!" She said, frowning. Heather just giggled softly.

"Come on, we should talk business." Gwynnia finally said. Heather nodded softly. "I know you'll need my sons for what you want to do, you want to unite with the dragons. You want them to live with the wolves for a little. But, don't forget, I'll need a child of the wolves to live with the dragons for a while if this is to work." Gwynnia nodded softly at Heather's statement.

Gwynnia patted Heather's shoulder softly, and stood on her feet. "You look tired. Would you like to, um..maybe..come back with me and..relax in a bath for a while, and then we can get you all prettied up." Gwynnia giggled softly.

Heather stuttered for a second, and then nodded, blushing. Gwynnia held out her hand, and then Heather stood up with a little bit of effort, and followed Gwynnia. They passed through Gwynnia's quite lavish palace, Gwynnia's long dress dragged behind her with a little rustle.

Gwynnia closed the chamber doors behind her, and went to run the bath for her. Her bathtub was white, and large enough for two women to sit in it without touching at all, which she thought would be to her advantage in the first place, especially with Heather here.

Heather watched as she added scented oils and fragrances to the bath water, and Gwynnia turned and blushed softly as she watched Heather, who was taking off her clothes. "U-Um...w-what are you doing..?" Gwynnia asked.

"Uh, it's a bath, I've never known anyone who wants to bathe clothed." Heather said matter of factly. Gwynnia just blinked, watching her clothes come off, and then shook her head as she realized she was staring.

"I'm..just going to...go..o-out..t-there..." She stuttered, and get up, stumbling out into her bedroom.

She got a brief glimpse of Heather naked before the other woman closed the door, which made her blush scarlet. She would most likely never get the image out of her head.

After all, Heather was very attractive, with her full breasts and small waist. The young woman then changed out of her dress, and put on something more regular, which was just a nice little sundress that made her feel cute.

"Hey, can you pass me a towel, please?" Heather asked. Gwynnia blushed red, but picked up a towel anyways, and opened the door to pass it to her, and then almost passed out when she saw that Heather was actually out of the bath, holding out her hand for it. "Uh..uh..uh..." Gwynnia said, turning her head down and thrusting the towel towards her embarrassedly.

Heather frowned in surprise, but took the towel, and Gwynnia abruptly turned around and shut the door behind her, her face was so heated from blushing she thought she'd burn.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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