Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

                When we got to my house, Sky and I got straight to work on cleaning. It wasn't that hard because the staff left everything in near perfect condition, all we needed to clean was the kitchen and Caleb's room and do the laundry.  In the end, it only took an hour which included Sky taking a million breaks and me yelling at her and then us blasting music throughout the house and jamming while we cleaned, though when that happened, there wasn't that much cleaning that was accomplished.

                Soon, we had left my house and headed over to hers to set up for tonight. When we walked into the house, we could smell an enchanting aroma coming from the kitchen. With a quick glance at each other, we both took off, racing to the kitchen. When we got there, we realized that our attempts to snag some food were wasted, as there were so many people in the kitchen. With a frown on our faces, we headed up her stairs, said a quick hello to her mother and father and then proceeded to her bedroom.           

              For three hours, Sky would not stop insisting that Xavier had a crush on me. Getting fed up, I stole one of the many pillows I was laying on and started beating her with it till she stopped talking. This major pillow fight was the scene that Kat walked into. Kat was beautiful. At 5'5 she was super model perfect. She had a heart shaped face with beautiful blue eyes that could pierce you to the core of she ever got angry. Her long straight hair was dyed orange, though it looked a little faded, as though she did it a long time ago and she was wearing black skinny jeans with a yellow t-shirt  and  a grey vest over top. We always tried to convince Kat to go into modeling because she looked like one with her long legs and naturally skinny body, but she always denied it, saying that when she found her calling, she would know. As soon as the door opened, Sky and I paused, me with the pillow above my head and Sky on the other side of the bed, her own two pillows situated in her favorite ninja move. Laughing, Kat ran and grabbed a pillow of her own and we all started the fight again.  

Ten minutes and a bunch of feathers later, all of us were on the bed panting and laughing. Mr. Greyson came in the room, not even phased about the mess of feathers everywhere as he was used to our wacky-ness and told us to get our butts down to the table, as dinner was starting. As soon as those words were out of his mouth, all three of us raced out of her room and to the table, eager for dinner.

Dinner was filled with random stories of the ER from Mrs. Greyson and hilarious stories from Mr. and Mrs. Brown as well as Mr. and Mrs. Grayson's past, including memories of the times we have all spent together as well as stories about our many pranks. Soon though, we were dismissed from the table and Sky, Kat and I headed back up to Sky's room for some girl talk while the 'grown ups' had conversations of their own.

"So, what do you ladies want to do?" Asked Sky when we entered her room. With a sly smile, Kat pulled out a huge metal brief case from next to the wall. Seeing that, I got a huge smile on my face and we all ran off to Sky's huge bathroom. Kat is notorious for being amazing in the beauty department. Hair, make-up, and fashion were her specialties, which was made known when she opened the case to reveal nail polish , hair dye and make-up. As girly as it seems, we loved to do makeovers. In middle school, we were even called the makeover queens. I was always the girl in charge of anything that has to do with makeup, nail polish, etc. Sky was our fashion-ista and Kat was our hair girl. Of course we all dabbled in each other's specialties but we all had our strengths.

Because of our love of makeovers, Mrs. Greyson added a room in Sky's bathroom that was specifically for makeovers. In it, included thousands of nail polishes, hair dyes, and make up. There were also salon chairs and washing stations so we could wash each other's hair. Deciding that I was going to be the first for the makeovers, I sat in the washing chair and Kat washed my hair. When she was done, we went over and she started applying color to my hair. I never have to tell her what colors I want because she knows me so well and knows what works for me.

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