Chapter 2

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Today is weekend so,I woke up late.Suddenly ,my mom barged into my room."Mina,pack your things now ,we're moving to Korea".


Mina's POV

"JOESONGHABNIDA!"Apologized me to the Korean guy in front of me.He looked mad when I bumped his left arm.

Since I was moving to Korea,so I started to learn again Korean a week ago .It was because the last time I spoke in Korean is 8 years ago.Without realizing it I just appologized to some guy in korean eventhough I'm now in Haneda Airport.

I glanced at my Rolex watch while collecting the tickets that fly on the floor hurriedly."Phew,I can still made it on time,this thing not gonna happen if I woke up early today".sighed me

I gave the ticket to him while bowing and said "Jeongmal joeseonghabnida.[I'm really sorry]."

The guy took the ticket in my grip rudely.I'm petrified immediately.Later,he brushed aside his sleeves that I bumped earlier.He acted like I'm a dust that he just removed from his body.

His sharp glare makes me turned away."God,I hate him!".If I knew that he gonna be this cold ,I'd rather go away without appologizing.My back hurts to bow 90-degree at him earlier.

I gotta admit that this is the first time,I met a cold Korean guy like him.At least,there's a lot nicer than him.Ah,its my fault too.This is what happened after rushing until cant see anyone.

I wanted to take a step forward but the guy behind me talked something.


What?,he says I'm blind?Calm down Mina,calm down.

I bit my lips.The tall guy whom behind me was now at my right.I tilted up my face to look at him.Again,that sharp stare stabbed my eyes.He looked like to start a fight with me.

"If I'm blind and what are you?Gangster?".

I just talked to him with a smirk .I'm brave right.Hahaha ,well it was because I spoke in Japanese there's no way he could understand it.

But,not even one second our eyes met each other because I ran my eyes to the floor.His eyes were not even blinked make me feared.Gulp,I must leave him quickly.

Without even looking at him,I pulled my luggage with right hand.I lifted my left hand to look at the time.I can make it.I tried to be positive.My eyes ran towards every place in Haneda Airport."Counter D".

I started to smile after there's only a few steps ahead my destination.My smile disappeared after my right shoulder was bumped from behind.I feel imbalanced but good that I'm not falling.

I lifted my face to look at the person.I can only hold my breath when that gangster guy continued his steps without looking at me.His face looked serious and there's only whistling that could be heard by his lips.He acted like nothing happen.

"He's really a gangster!"

My heart wanted to hit his head with my handphone badly.I dont care if my Iphone6 was broken into bits as long as I'm happy.I'm not scared of him.I'm okay if he wants to fight but I could miss my flight if we do that.

I repaired my hair and pulled my luggage.It looked like I'm gonna cursed at him along my journey to Korea.With upset face,I continued my steps.


I entered the space plane of A330 .What's my luck today?I nearly fainted because of the running.

Your own fault ,Mina.You forgot to set your alarm,rushed and bumped the gangster guy, and slept late last night to watch Running Man.Yesterday,you laugh out loud like there's no tomorrow and today,you have to overcome these.Mom words,Look at our own faults before blame on others.

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