Interview with Sniper

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Sniper: You'll see a lot of things when you're snipin', mate. I've seen Heavy have a picnic behind enemy lines while Demo was taking a swig of scotch from behind Engi's dispenser. Pyro is among the things I see.
Mr. Deep: What is he normally doing?
Sniper: Ahh well, the mute little bugger is either gushin' flames at a mongrel or playin' with some poor decapitated piker's head.
Mr. Deep: Does that ever strike you as creepy...or at least odd?
Sniper: Not really. I'm an assassin; I'm a trained professional who shouldn't connect jobs with personal feelin's. Yeah what Pyro does may seem a bit weird to your average bloke, but to me, actually, I respect him.
Mr. Deep: Explain.
Sniper: He and I are a lot like, mate. He deals massive damage on a wide scale, while I deal precision damage on specific targets. He could just as easily scream his bloody head off and go spewin' flames all wily like, but he's calculated with his fire. He knows just who burn and where to be. He's like a front-line Sniper.
Mr. Deep: Interesting. So, Sniper, what do you think Pyro is underneath that mask?
Sniper: What kind of bloody question is that? I think he's just your average merc whose just looking for some money. Simple as that. I'm not really the biggest fan of all of these crazy theories on his identity. And even if he was a monster, a woman, or some weird demon spawn, I'd still work with him. He has skill. And skill is what separates my mates from my targets.
Mr. Deep: Well said.

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