The fall

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You opened your eyes. Looking at your surroundings. Even though you didn't see much, caused by the lack of light, you still didn't feel comfortable in your current location. You stand up and look around you again. seeing if there is any light. Somewhere far into the distance you see a light and you decide to walk towards it. 

when you get there you see nothing but a tiny spot of green grass. you decide to walk around it to see if you're missing anything but that doesn't seem to be the case. you shrug and look around you again for another sign of life when suddenly you here a voice coming from below you some where. You jump in surprise as you look down only to see a tiny yellow flower looking up at you. ''Howdy. I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower.'' the flower says. ''uhm...Hi? Uhm...where am I exactly. I don't I...I...Uhm...what are you?'' You ask confused. ''I already told you I'm flowey. i am a flower. You are in the ruins. The end of the underground.'' The flowers answers with a cute smile on it's face. '' i did fall down huh. That sucks.'' I feel my heart sinking into my shoes as the flower said i was actually in the underground. I was mad at my big sis bossing me around again. she hates me and I hate her, i can't wait until i can move out of the house and never have to see her again. so i ran of into the woods near the mountain. And i guess i fell down when i did that. Hehe whoops. ''Well as you're here now, i will show you the ropes of how it works around here in the underground. Everything here is about gaining as much lv as possible.  Lv stands for love. And love down here is shared through little white friendliness pallets. Like these...'' A row of white orbs apeared hovering above Flowey. ''Just try to touch the pallets alright?'' it says. The start hovering towards you. You don't know exactly why but instead of touching you decide to dodge them. Which made them dig deep into the ground where you just stood. ''Unbelieveable.'' The flower says. "Literally everyone knows huh. Well you aren't going to get away. In this world it's kill or be killed kid. NOW DIE!'' You close your eyes. Knowing you aren't going to be able to dodge it's next attack. When after a few seconds of keeping your eyes shut and not getting hit you decide to open your eyes. 

Instead of the flower there now stand a tall woman like monster in front of you. ''are you alright?" the woman asks you. "Yeah...Yeah I'm alright.'' You answer as you Smile at the woman. ''You're actually the second human i  had to save from that stupid little flower this week.'' She says as she starts walking towards somewhere in the dark. You can't really see where you're going as it's so dark, but for some reason you trust this woman completely.

"So my child.'' The woman says after you two walked in silence for a while. "What would your name be?'' She asks. "My...Oh...My name is (Y/N).'' You answer. ''What a lovely name, (Y/N). My name is Toriel." The woman says as she smiles at you. "What exactly brought you down here?'' Toriel asks. "I just kind of fell.'' You answer.''Ah, yes, of course.'' Toriel says. "well, we will be at my house soon. You can stay there as long as you like.'' Toriel smiles at me and i smile back. I wonder if mayber i can start a new life in the underground.


                                                                                           A week passes


You look at Toriel while sitting at the dinner table. She's reading a book, probably about snails. You Take few seconds to breathe in an out when you finally ask. ''Toriel is there a way that i can proceed further into the underground?'' You ask. Toriel places down her book and let's out a deep sigh. "I'm sorry.'' You say. "No, it is fine, (Y/N) my child. i knew this question would come sooner or later. You want to go home i understand.'' She answers as she looks at you. " I don't really want to leave the undergrounds. I just...want to see more of this world.'' You say while feeling your cheeks get red. Toriel giggles. ''It is fine my child. I will show you the way out. Because, I suppose, I can't stop you anyway. You're a lot like them you know. The other child i saved. But you do seem much older then them. Now follow me child. I will show you the exit.'' You follow Toriel down some stairs all the way to a big door. ''Behind this door lies the rest of the underground.'' She gives me hug and then looks deep into my (E/C) eyes. "Be save now, (Y/N), my child.'' Then she turns around and walks away from the door. 

You open the huge door in front of you and immediately get greeted by a cold gust of wind. You close the door behind you and start walking forward. Your clothes, black shirt and plaid skirt, Are definitely not suitable for this kind of weather. The second you start thinking about turning around back to Toriel you hear the sound of footsteps behind you. You turn immediately turn around and stand eye to eye with someone. Well not really eye to eye, because this person is a tiny bit shorter than you. Only a few inches. but still. Shorter. When you look at the person better you actually see that this person is not really a person at all. It is skeleton. "Well hello there, Human." The skeleton says as he sticks out his bony hand towards you, wanting to shake it. Which you do. suddenly you hear a strange noise. Something like...PFFFFRRT. The skeleton in front of you chuckles. ''Fart cushion in the hand trick, always works. My name is sans by the way. What's your's?'' He asks. '' name is (Y/N).'' you answer. ''(Y/N) huh, Nice name kiddo. You headed to snowdin? 'Cause if you are, I can take ya there, if ya want.'' Sans says. " Uhm...Yeah sure.'' You answer as you start following the skeleton further into the underground.

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