Stars and ice cream

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Silently you and Sans walk through Snowdin. It's still freezing cold outside but you try not to show how cold you are. You don't want Sans to worry about you. And it also, worrying about you would make him replace that lazy grin on his face with something less careless. And this grin just looked so good on him.

A few minutes later you two get to the entrance of a cave. ''I thought you said we would go to the waterfalls?'' You say more as a question. ''We are.'' Sans answers. ''But the waterfalls we're going to are underground.'' ''Is that even possible?'' You ask. ''Apparently.'' Sans answer. You can't help but chuckle. He looks so care free. Like nothing ever gets to him. ''Uhm, (Y/N)? Are you spacing out again?'' He asks. ''Huh, what?''s nothing really. I just tend to space out quiet often, hehe.'' you show an apologetic smile. Sans shrugs. ''If you say so.'' He starts walking into the cave. You follow him.

The inside of the cave is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. There are gemstones in the walls and little lights everywhere. There are also amazing blue flowers that stand along the path so now and then. The give of a slight blue glow. After you saw them  into the distance a few times you finally get to see one up close. ''What kind of flower is this Sans? The are so pretty.'' You get closer to one as Sans answers your question. ''These are echo flowers. They repeat the last thing they heard over and over again forever.'' ''Really? That's amazing!'' You say while looking at the flower closely. A second after the flowers starts to talk. ''Really? That's amazing!'' It says. It sounds so much like your voice it makes you jump backwards. Which means you're standing really close to Sans now. "That's so cool.'' You whisper so the flower can't hear you but Sans can. He chuckles. ''I've  gotten used to them by now but i have to admit, they are pretty cool.'' "Yeah.'' Is the only hing you can say while still looking at the flower. ''I wish i could look at it forever.'' You say with a playful tone in your voice. ''Never thought i would ever be jealous of a flower.'' Sans mutters under his breath. You can fell your face getting read almost immediately. You don't know what to say to that or if Sans even knows you heard him so you decide to change the topic. ''Hey Sans, didn't you say something about ice cream earlier?'' You ask him. ''Oh, yeah, the nice cream guy is just up ahead. Come on follow me.'' He says while he grabs your hand and leads you through the next part of the cave.

A few minutes later while walking away from the nice cream guy while both holding a nice cream and eating it you look down at your hands. Sans grabbed it a few minutes ago and showed no intention of letting go. So you didn't either. Because you didn't mind at all. You actually kind of liked it. Hand in hand you walk through the cave looking at all the pretty things inside. After you passed a few beautiful waterfalls you ask Sans where you were going. You thought he said you two were going the the waterfalls but you passed some of them so you had no idea anymore. ''This place is called the waterfalls silly.'' Sans answers while chuckling. ''...Oh'' You feel your face getting red again. But of embarrassment this time. ''We're going to the most beautiful place in this cave.'' Sans says after a few seconds of walking. ''It's called the wishing room. We're almost there.'' ''Wow, That sounds lovely.'' You say as you flash a bright smile. ''It is amazing.'' Sans says. "And it's right over there. He points at a passage in the wall of the cave with his free hand. He finished his ice cream while ago. you aren't sure how he did it so fast seeing as he probably doesn't have a tong and just stuck the ice cream in his mouth for a few second so now and then. your ice cream was almost finished as well. It's a shame really. Eating it cave you such a nice feeling. You bite of the last piece the second the two of you go through the passage to the wishing room.

"Omg, Sans, This is beautiful. I can't believe it.'' You and Sans entered a room with so many tiny lights on the ceiling they almost looked like stars. ''They almost look like real stars. This is incredible.'' You say while staring at the ceiling non stop. "You know, if you lay down you can look at them without getting sore neck.'' Sans says as he pulls your hand towards the ground next to where he sat down. ''Oh yeah, of course'' You say as you lay down next to him. "Are you cold?'' Sans asks. After a few minutes of staring at the 'stars'. ''Just a little bit.'' You admit. Sans sits up, takes of his hoodie, and hands it to you. You take the hoodie from his hand and put it on. ''Are you sure?'' You ask. ''Yeah, of course.'' Sans answers with his standard lazy grin on his face. ''After all, I wouldn't want you to get chilled to the bone.'' You start laughing at Sans' silly pun while he looks at you smiling at his own joke. Or is it something else. You both lay down and start looking at the 'stars' again. ''You know people call this the wishing room for a reason.'' Sans says after you both lay down again. ''If you make a wish here, people say they're bound to come true.'' ''Really? Wow...Alright uhm...I wish i could be as pretty as these 'stars'.''You say while looking dreamy at the ceiling. "You already are. I guess those people were right.'' Sans says. You can feel a slight red blush rising to your cheeks as you turn your head at Sans. You see him starring at you with a slight blue blush on his Cheekbones. With a Smile on your face you move your body closer to Sans. You wrap your hands around his arm As you push your face into his shoulder. ''Thank you, Sans, for everything.'' You say feeling the red color n your cheeks getting worse and worse. ''Of course (Y/N), everything for you.'' Sans says as you can see the blue color on his cheekbones increasing as well.

You lay on that floor, looking at the 'stars' and really close to Sans for what feels like hours. After a long while you finally speak up. ''We should probably get back to your house. Papyrus is probably worried about you.'' You say. "Yeah, I think you're right.'' Sans says while you remove your hands from his arm and to crawl back on your feed. Sans Stand up from laying down in one fluent movement and hold his hand out to you to help you up as well. You take his hand to stand up, but you have no intention of letting go when you're finally on your feet. Sans Doesn't seem to have those intentions either. Which results into you two walking back home, hand in hand.

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