Chapter 1

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Hello there
This is my first story so if I mess up sorry. But yup hope you enjoy.

Meiah :)

------------------------------------------Emily P.O.V.

I can't believe I won the sweepstakes on Twitter! Finally! Mia has to come! I need a girl to talk to in a house full of boys for 1 month!

"No!" Mia said a bit annoyed. "But please! I don't have any more friends, you know that! You are my one and only best friend! Please! This is a one in a lifetime chance! I said with my voice cracking.

Mia pondered a bit then said " Ok fine."
She said sighing. " Thank you! Thank you!" I said before giving Mia a kiss on her cheek. Oh shitakimushroom. Haha  I just made a replacement for shit. I forgot to tell her we're leaving in 2 hours.

"We're leaving in 2 hours" I said quite fast. "What?! I haven't packed,shower,eat.." Mia said. After she said eat I zoned out and started thinking about eggs. Haha eggs. "Emily!" Mia said annoyed. "Huh?" I said cluelessly. "I'm ready!"Mia said in like a duh voice." Ok spongebob!"I said giggling."Ok Patrick!" Mia said laughing.

I realized I was thinking about eggs a little too long because she had her and my suitcase next to her and clothes on, hair done, all that shitakimushroom.

It was time to go. I'm still on it I was thinking really deeply about eggs. " alright let's go I don't wanna be late." I said. Mia nodded then we headed out of our apartment.
I cannot under any circumstance fangirl in front of one direction. I gotta be cooler than Antartica. We were walking outside laughing because I was dancing and I suck at it. Then Mia stopped laughing then froze and I and didn't care and kept laughing and dancing. " uh Emily." Mia whispered. I suddenly stopped and looked up and saw  four boys in front of me and Mia. I knew it was 1D but I had to be smooth as butter."Hello love." Liam said gesturing for me to hug him.

I hugged him. " Hello there" I said waving "I'm so excited to meet you guys I'm Emily and that's my roommate, Mia. Mia waved then said "Hey".  Yup I was smooth.The boys waved at her then hugged me.

We went into the limo behind them and Harry took our bags." You guys didn't see me dancing right?" I said in the car unexpectedly. "Nope we saw your dance moves" Niall said cheekily.

I blushed. I'm  totally embarrassed,1D saw me dancing! "Don't be embarrassed it was quite amusing actually." Louis said genuinely. I blushed. It got very quiet in there and I hate awkward silence so I said all of a sudden. "Eggs are life." We all laughed until tears then "Carrots are life!" Louis shouted. Making all of us laugh.
Dang I let my egg thoughts get the best of me.

"Since it will take a little while to get to the mansion that we will be staying in let's get to know each other." Liam said. Yasssssss! "Good idea." I said. "How about you go first Emmy? Can I call you Emmy?" Louis said. "Yea you can call me Emmy. Yea and I'll start." We talked for ages and they knew me more than anyone besides Mia and I knew them the same as they knew me. " I can't wait to spend a month with the most gorgeous girls." Harry said making my cheeks turn crimson. "I can't either." I said.

I pulled out some fruit snacks I brung. Niall stared at my fruit snacks. "Can I have some?" Niall said.

Haha he really think I will give him my fruit snacks. "No I only give food to my mouth Dave." I said jokingly. He began to fake sob causing me to burst out laughing. Louis comforted him causing me to laugh even more. "Your laugh is so cute." Louis said. I blushed really hard. "Aww thanks my good ol' laugh Gabriella would be happy you called her cute." I said making everyone laugh.

"We're here!" Niall screamed. I burst out singing For the first time in Forever from Frozen. We all laughed hysterically.

The car finally stopped and a man with a black suit opened the door. We walked out, got our luggage, and then went inside. I can't believe the whole time we were in the car Mia was quiet.

Harry grabbed my hand "Come on let me show you around." Harry said. He took me and Mia all around the house. I'm never washing this hand again. HAHA. SIKE. I'm so lame. Harry was talking about something I wasn't paying attention to. I look at Mia and she was on her phone. Mia popped her head up and pulled me aside and said can we go to our room so I told Harry I'll be right back then we went to our room.
"Hey what's up?" I said while closing the door behind me. " Well I hate it here! I hate the boys!" Mia said .
Woah I never saw Mia like this.

"Mia! Why didn't you say that a long time ago!?never mind how are you going to get home?" I yelled. " It's a cab com-" Mia got cut of by a honk outside. "Bye! See you in a month!" Mia yelled while opening the door and slamming it shut.

Well that was chapter one.
Remember this is my first story I probably suck but yeah! Bye✌️


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