Chapter. 1

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November 3

I woke up this morning tired as ever,just like how I feel every morning. I got out my bed stretching,then getting up grabbing my under garmets.

I went into the bathroom to pee,brush my teeth,& wash my face. I turned on the shower turning the water until it got really warm. I forgot to grab my undershirt,when I happened to pass my large mirror. I looked at myself for a few minutes staring deep in the mirror.

"Am I pretty?" I thought

People have told me I am, I just never really believed them. Confidence is something that I lack,I guess its cause I'm shy and people have called me ugly before.

I then went back to my dresser grabbing my undershirt and proceeding with my shower.

I got out the shower putting on some Hollister blue skinny jeans,my PINK grey hoodie,and my chestnut UGGs.

I don't really put on makeup besides,a little mascara and some lipstick. For my hair I brushed the kinks out since I had straightened my hair yesterday. I then sprayed a little warm and cozy by PINK perfume and grabbed my bag,phone,& car keys leaving out my room.

I walked downstairs to see my little sister Jayde eating some cereal.

"Hey girl" I said going to the refridgerator
She didn't respond,I already knew what the problem was a boy.
"What happened now?"I said
"Andre and I got into an argument last night because he said I can be too clingy sometimes. I mean I should have the right to be around him when I want to. Ugh man I don't know." She said putting her bowl in the sink
"Well maybe Andre wants you guys to be seperate sometimes. Like your with your friends and hes with his. But I could understand why you would wanna be around him just so you know hes not flirting with girls or whatever."
"Yeah thats what he was saying and exactly. Like them thots that be in my school be trying to get with everyone!" She said shaking her head
I laughed"Yeah thats how it is in my school too. But when you go to school today let Andre know why you do what you do." I said finishing my dole smoothie
"Thanks sis,I wonder why you still don't have a boyfriend. I mean your beautiful,smart,& your a good listener." She said grabbing her backpack
"Awh thanks Jayde,mm I don't know relationships aren't really my thing. I'm just tryin to graduate this June and just enjoy life." I said walking out the house with Jayde
"Well I know when you do find that special someone,you'll be the best girlfriend." She said getting in my 2015 Grey Chrysler

I drove to school and then I drove myself to school. Once I parked in the student parking area I got out my car locking the door after myself. I walked in my school passing the girls who mean-mug,the white girls, and then the guys who would check you out. I ignored them as usual. Of course you have those freshmen who still run around in the halls,I'm glad I'm graduating this year.

I went to my first class which was English,I sat on the right in the 3rd row. I put on my reading glasses then got on my phone responding to my one and only friend whos my bestfriend Amber's text. After a few minutes the bell rung and Mrs.Bernard began teaching.
Mrs.Bernard started passing out a packet that we would be working on.

The door opened and in walked in Tray,we have 5 classes together. I thought Tray was really cute. There were some boys that were cute at my school but they weren't really cute. Tray had curly hightop fade,pink lips, dimples,& a nice smile. He often wore his gold bottom rows which made him even more attractive.

"Tray your late!" Mrs.Bernard said
"Dang Ms.B how you know it was me?"he said
"Your always late"Mrs.Bernard said walking to the front of the class

Tray walked passed me sitting in his seat behind me.

Mrs.Bernard then told us she would partner us up to complete 2 pages in our packet.

"Alissa and Charles,Jailee and Tray,Mary and Sam.."She continued to say the rest
When Mrs.B said "Jailee and Tray" my eyes nearly popped out my head!!
"Who's Jailee"Tray asked
"This nigga"I thought to myself
"She sits right in front of Tray,yall may began working." Mrs.B said sitting down
I was trying to gather my stuff together when I felt a tap on my shoulder
"Uhm,yeah?" I said turning around
"You ready?"Tray asked
"Yeah just give me a second"I said
I got my stuff and turned around. We then began working on our packet together.

I tried my best not to make eye contact with him,he was just so cute.
"Ugh man this shit is hard,can you help me?"He asked
"Uhm sure,what do you need help with?" I said
"All of it." He said looking up at me
I showed Tray how to do our english work,he kinda understood it.

Class was finally over and I was putting my stuff away when my pencil dropped.
Tray picked it up saying"Here you go and thanks for helping me with the packet." He said smiling
Oh my gosh his braces!! His smile,Lawd help me.
"Oh your welcome and thank you for picking up my pencil."
"Don't we have like 4 other classes together?" He asked
"Uhm yeah" I said brushing a piece of hair behind my ear
"Well I'll see you there." He said smiling again
"Uhm alright." I said putting my bag on my shoulder
Overall school was just normal,nothing really happened. I drove back home to get ready for work. I work at Friday's as a waiter.

I got to Friday's punching in and putting purse in the backroom locker area. I grabbed my apron and headed to the dining floor.

As I was waiting 2 other tables,I heard a familiar voice. I turned around to see Tray with a group of his "popular friends". I instantly got nervous,I checked the screen to see who was serving his table. And it was me,Oh my gosh!! My heart was beating fast and everything.
"James can you please wait on table 3?!" I begged
James was a very cool and funny co-worker.
"Sorry ma I'm already waitin on 5 tables." He said with a tray in his hand walking away
"This is gonna be a long night." I thought grabbing my pen and pad
I walked over to there table
"Hello welcome to Friday's I'm Jailee and I will be your waiter this evening can I start you g-GCO
"Limme get a sprite with a little bit of ice." This annoying girl named Naomi who would always mean-mug me in class. I guess Tray and her were together cause she was all up on him.
"I'll take a coke." Tray said
"I'll take a lemonade." This familiar boy said I think his name was Jayshon
I took the other two peoples orders.
"Wait a minute,aren't you that quiet shy girl in my science class?" Jayshon
"Uhm yeah" I said looking down
A few minutes later I brought the table there drinks.
"Took you long enough." Naomi said
I ignored her comment passing the drinks out.
"Is everyone ready to or-GCO
"Ugh-uh I thought I asked for a little bit of ice. Ugh you can't even do your job right waiter girl." She said smacking her drink off the table making it spill everywhere
"I know this bitch didn't" I thought to myself
"Aye Naomi why the fuck did you do that?!" Tray said getting mad
"Man he looks even sexier when hes mad." I thought
"Why do you care Tray? Its not like you know her or whatever!" She said yelling back
"I actually do and I have 5 classes with her." He said
Naomi rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.  I cleaned up the mess and came back to get there orders.

They were finally leaving and Tray left last.
"I wanna apologize for Naomi's actions. She shouldn't have spilled that soda all over the table." Tray said
"Oh its okay." I said shyly cleaning the table
"Nah its not okay, But here. Thanks for being a good waiter"He said handing me a $20 dollar tip in my hand
"Thanks" I said smiling
"See you in class tomorrow." He said walking out smiling back

I finally finished my shift and headed home. When I got home I took a nice warm shower,I ate a wonderful dinner my mom had cooked.

After I was done my sister and I said our goodnights to our parents. Then we chatted for a little while and went into our rooms. I decided to watch a missed episode of Empire on my Macbook.

Once that was over I tied my hair in a bun,brushed my teeth and washed my face. I then got into bed and fell asleep.


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