Chapter 4.

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2 Weeks Later


Tutoring has been going well for Tray and I. Hes gotten two B-'s on the past two test we have taken. Also lately Tray and I have defintley getting close. On monday in the library he tried to kiss me, but I doges it. You're probably thinking "Girl why didn't you let him kiss you?" Well the answer to your question is I'm not going to just kiss a guy,espicially if I have feelings for him. I don't want to get to hurt and end up looking dumb like how some of these girls have.

Right now its the end of the day and I'm at Amber's locker waiting til she get's here. A few minutes later she came.

"Man I am so tired!" She said approaching me
"Yeah,same here but I have to tutor Tray and work until 8." I said leaning against some lockers
"Ooh you and your little boo." She said smiling
"He's not boo Amber" I said laughing
"Girl he likes you and you like him too!!" She said cheesing
"Man whatever" I said smirking

We chatted a little bit longer and then said our goodbyes going our seperate ways.

I headed to the library going to our normal spot and Tray was actually there and even 10 minutes early.

"Look who decided to come up early to his session." I said laughing then taking a seat
"Man whatever,I wanted to make sure nobody got our spot." He said
"Mhm whatever" I said smirking
We started our session. Today I was going to help Tray with revising his english paper.


"I gotta tell her how I feel,I have too! I have to make her mine before anyone else does." I thought to myself
"Uhm Jailee can I ask you something." I asked while she was reading my paper
"Sure,anything." She said looking up
"Uhm will you be my girlfriend." I asked nervously
"I..uhm..I don't know what to say. I mean we haven't even gone on a date." She said lost for words
"You're right,well how about I take you out Saturday Night. I'll pick you up at around 8 o'clock?"
"Ugh sure I guess that'll be fine." She said starting to smile
"Alright,cool" I said smiling
Saturday Night Around 7:15

I just got out the shower putting on my Polo Boxers. I decided to put on a white dress shirt,dark levi jeans,& my black dress shoes.

I brushed my hair just a little bit,since earlier today I got it cut. After that I put my earrings in and put on some colgne. I walked downstairs to see my parents with my little sister Aleah on the couch watching a movie.

"Tray you look very handsome." My mom said
"Thanks ma,I'll see yall later on okay. Love yall." I said
"Alright" They all said

I got in my Range Rover heading to Jailee's house,she only lived around 15 minutes away. I pulled up to her house and it was pretty nice looking.

I put a piece of gum in my mouth heading to her front door. I rung the doorbell and waited til someone came.

The door opened and it was her dad.


I am so nervous like oh my gosh. I don't even know what I should wear.

"JAYDE!!" I yelled her name
"What girl?!" She said on the phone
"I need help finding an outfit for my date with Tray!!" I said
"I'll call you back." Jayde said hanging up the phone.

I finally decided to wear this long-sleeve white mid-dress. I quickly straighten my hair,then put on some mascara,& clear lip gloss. Lastly I put on my dark chestnut brown heels. I quickly put on my diamond earrings and sprayed on Pink Sugar perfume.

"Ooh look at my sister,limme take a pic for snapchat!!" She said holding up her phone


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