Part 31

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"He did what? Your what?" Tray yelled, holding out my left hand and looking down at my ring. "He purposed. We're engaged." I giggled, still in awe of what happened earlier this morning. "And you said 'yes?'' he snapped. "So? I love Justin." I smiled.

 "I'm gonna laugh when he dumps you on your wedding day." he snapped before walking away. I let my jaw fall in surprise. "Jerk!" I screamed, running in the direction of Justin's class.

 Just as I reached the Biology Lab, the bell rang and Justin's class was let out. "Hey, baby." he smiled, walking over to me. "Hi." I sighed, looking down at my ring. ''What happened?" he asked, taking my hand and starting down the hallway.

 "It's nothing. Wanna go do something?" I smiled, trying to brighten my own mood. "I have homework." he frowned, "But we can hang out in my dorm if you want."   I sighed but, shook my head, "I'd rather not sit there and watch you do homework."

 "'re on your own." he chuckled, kissing me lightly before walking towards his dorm. "Text me." he called over his shoulder. I sighed and looked around, trying to find someone to hang out with.

 "Dani!" I yelled, seeing her walk down the hallway. "What?" she asked, her mouth barely moving. "Are you doing anything? I kinda need something to do." I sighed.

 "Why? Mr. Fiance too busy?" she smirked. Wow. She actually smiles? "He has homework." I frowned, looking up at her. "Okay..Then, I guess I can hang out." she mumbled, her black and purple hair falling into her face.

 "Cool. What do you wanna do?'' I asked, smiling. "I was gonna go to the library but, I guess whatever's cool." she sighed, walking further down the hall.

 "Seriously?! The library?" I smirked, gripping onto the strap of my purse. "Is that so bad?" she frowned, looking over at me. "No..just..nevermind." I sighed.

 She rolled her eyes and looked back at me. "How about we go grab a burger and you tell me all about how Justin purposed to you." she sighed unenthusiastically.

 "Um..sure! If you want.." I sighed, following her to the diner on campus. "So, how'd it happen?" she asked, not looking at me. I giggled slightly and looked down at the table.

 "Well, I didn't think he was going to ask me because..well, that's not important. But he didn't even ask me. I just said I would say yes if he did ask and he gave me the ring." I smiled, twirling my ring around my finger.

 "That's fascinating." she sighed, looking into her coke. I smiled and looked back at her, then down at my ring. "But you do realize you have 2 years of college left and he has 3, right?" she asked.

 "I never really thought about it but, 3 years isn't...that long." I sighed. "Whatever." she muttered, moving a fry around her plate. I sighed and thought about it for a second. I don't wanna wait 3 years...

 "Do you think it was a mistake saying yes to him?" I asked her. "I would never say yes to Justin but, you love him. So, that's not my decision to make." she sighed.

 "I'm gonna go talk to him." I sighed, jumping up. "Have fun with that!" she muttered as I ran towards Justin's room. I knocked once before walking inside.

 Justin looked up at me from his text books and smiled, "Hey."  "Hi." I sighed, walking over to him, "We need to talk."  He pushed the books off of the bed and motioned me to sit next to him.

 "I knew something was up. What is it?" he asked. "It's about the engagement." I sighed.  "You don't wanna marry me, do you? Your rethinking everything and you changed your mind." he frowned, looking over at me.

 "No, Justin. I do..I just..when did you plan on marrying me?" I asked, pulling myself onto his lap. "Whenever we get out of college." he smiled. "I don't wanna wait 3 years." I sighed, looking up at him.

 "Well, we can always drop out and you can move back in with me." he suggested. "Mom'll kill me if I drop out again. Isn't there another way we can get married sooner?" I asked.

 "Don't think so." he sighed, kissing the top of my head. "I'm 18. Almost 19." I mumbled. "Oh, great! Now she's talking to herself!" he chuckled. "Shut up! I'm an adult."    "So?" he asked, his eyebrow raised.

 "So..pack your bags. We're moving back to your place." I smiled, looking up at him. "Really?" he smirked. I just nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck,  "Unless you wanna stay here and not marry me."

 "Ok. I'll start packing." he smiled. I grinned and pecked his lips lightly before running back to my dorm and grabbing my suitcases. "Where are you going?" Dani asked, sitting on her bed.

 "I'm leaving. Justin and I are moving back into his place." I smiled, throwing my clothes into the bag. "Well, good luck." she muttered, no emotion in her voice.  "Thanks. Your coming to our wedding, right?"

 "Anything that'll get me out of this school. Sure." she groaned. I smiled over at her and finished packing, walking back to Justin's dorm.


Weird ending, right? Yeah Yeah I know!! But I didn't really know where to end it!! Next part should be better!! Hopefully!! Vote & Comment<3


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