Hogwarts House Quiz

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Hello witches and wizards! This is Saturna Plover, and we have extended a late Hogwarts Acceptance to you! Before you arrive at Hogwarts, you will need to be sorted. Here is a personal quiz I have created myself to choose which house you should be put in. Please be as honest as possible with your answers, so you get the most accurate sorting. Remember; diversity is what makes Hogwarts such a great school! When you get your result, come back to this post and write your house in the comments. Good luck!

This is how it will work: You write down the letters of the answers you picked, and whatever amount you have (mostly A's, mostly B's, etc) you will go to the next post to see what house you are in. If you have the same amount of letters, that means you fall inbetween both houses, (Say, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. A new house would be made for you called Slythenclaw)

Notice: This quiz is not the be copied or infringed. It was made by me, Saturna Plover, in partnership with Shannen Taylor. If I see it anywhere else except this post, I will hunt the copier down and slice their toes off, one by one, with a blunt spoon. *Smiles innocently* Good luck!

1. When people look at you, what do you want them to see?

   a) a clever, friendly person

   b) a great, powerful person

   c) a loyal, attractive person

   d) an ambitious, pure person

2. What is your favorite class?

   a) Transfiguration

   b) Care for Magical Creatures

   c) Herbology

   d) Potions

3. What position would you want to play on the Quidditch team?

   a) chaser

   b) seeker

   c) keeper

   d) beater

4. What is your favorite magical creature?

   a) Hippogriff

   b) Phoenix

   c) Thestral

   d) Unicorn

5. What magical item would you want to be real?

   a) a wand (that works)

   b) a broomstick (that flies!)

   c) a potions book

   d) any candy from Honeydukes

6. What would you see if you looked at a Boggart?

   a) a spider

   b) a Dementor

   c) a T on your O.W.L score

   d) Death

7. What is your greatest value?

   a) Intelligence and Friendship

   b) Courage and Nobility

   c) Hope and Loyalty

   d) Ambition and Purity

 8. If you could save anyone from death, who would it be?

   a) your family

   b) you would sacrifice yourself so that everyone could live

   c) your friends

   d) yourself

9. Do you believe in magic? Be honest.

   a) Yes... and no. It's hard, because beliefs and science cancel each other out.

   b) Of course! How do you think the pyramids and Stonehenge were built?

   c) Yes.

   d) Pfft, of course not. Are you kidding me? Sheesh.

Did you write down all your letter answers and answered them honestly! I hope so, because liars don't get accepted to Hogwarts...

Come back to this post when you find your answer and write your house in the comments with pride!

...Now click the posts above that match the answers you chose! Count 'em up! And good luck!



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