chapter 6

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Come on dark moon. We have to run to math class. Wait I just remembered were mean. *giant smirk* let's prank someone.(Dark moon) *sigh*. You stay here dark moon.(a few hours later) hey I'm back. Sorry I took soooooooooooooooo long. I put a gallon of cheese in this guys locker. And stole his pokemon headband. Let's wait till he opens it. (Five minutes later). Here he comes. *splat* dude - man my mom's gonna kill me. Yum. Dark moon the thing is that cheese was 5 years old. (Dark moon in her head) then wy would you do it? Anyway how do I look in this headband? (Dark moon in her head) maybe if you put a good dirt with tites you would look good. Come on I know this girl with an awesome bracelet. (Dark moon in her head) oh brother.hey guys please comment and vote for my book. Thanks till next time.

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