Chapter 8

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What the stars are you doing? (Dark moon in her head) oh no she caught me *trying to be a statue*. You think I don't know? How mean are you? (Dark moon in her head) kinda mean. Wy would you steal my headband that I stoll? (Dark moon in her head) why would you even need it?
You little devil. Give it back. (Dark moon in her head) fine *let's go of it*. (Joy) *falls* you little brat. Well you are a sneaky little devil........good job I'm proud of you Dark Moon. (Dark moon in her head) awww thanks Joy. Well....... (The principal) well well well it isn't just the little trouble maker.......... Joy. (Joy) um what do you mean. (The principal) um well it's just that you did that moldy cheese accident hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm. Well what do you have to say about that? (Joy) oh yeah that kinda moldy cheese accident. (The principal) well you know what I'm gonna do? (Dark moon in her head) we'll he could set her on fire or something. (Joy) what the what did you hear that principal. I think it was my Eevee. (The principal) um no. (Joy) so what are you going to do....... and if I really did hear my Eevee then please don't set me on fire!!!!!!! (The principal) no I'm not gonna set you on fire I'm gonna give you detention. SO GO TO MY OFFICE NOW. And you'll tell me wy you fix the moldy cheese stuff

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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