Letter 1

570 17 1

Dear Jintan,

We hung out a lot today Jintan! We did bug eating contest, which Poppo won and Anaru got scared. Its so fun to be with everyone! We get to play all sorts of really fun games and contests!

Maybe tomorrow we can play hide and go seek! I love playing hide and go seek!!! I am the best at it! We should bring more snacks though...Poppo ate all of the snacks today.

Oh! You know what we should do! We should play our video games! We can all help each other find different characters and me and Anaru can share stickers and trade characters!

Jintan do you want to help me find some flowers tomorrow? We can find really pretty flowers and give them to the others so that they can take it home and make their houses pretty!



Dear Jintan, From MenmaWhere stories live. Discover now