Letter 4

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Dear Jintan,

I really hurt Anaru's feelings! I gave her a sticker and all the sudden she got really mad. I don't know what I did....I'll apologize tomorrow! I also made you mad too....I knew you didn't like me, I am just an ugly pig. No worries I wouldn't cry! I am a big girl!

Today Yukiatsu stopped me and gave me a barret and said he liked me. I was torn though. I made you really upset and you ran home and I wanted to stop you. But Yukiatsu really wanted to talk with me. I ran after you because I wanted to make things right between us. I returned the barret to Yukiatsu and ran after you.

I hope I can get to you in time! I don't the whole group and us to break up!

Love, Menma

Dear Jintan, From MenmaWhere stories live. Discover now