Chapter 43: You've Changed

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Skyler's POV

It's been almost two months since I've last talked to Psyche. It's the day that I saw her arguing with Ericko at the Garden.

She's our second honor in the class in this first grading period. She's really intelligent. But of course, I'm still the first Honor.

We just have our one free day and it will start tomorrow. And in the next day, will be the start of the second grading.

I've tried my best to talk to her but she just stared at me blankly and then leaved. I want to hug her but I can't, there is something that bothering me. I want to know why she is not talking to me. Even with my parents, she's just talking when she have to say an important things. But she really looks cold everytime I saw her.

What happened?!

I stared at the ceiling, I can't sleep. So that, i got up from bed and went downstairs to have some food to eat and drink some milk.

I heard that someone is on the kitchen. The lights are on.


I saw her drinking some alcohol.

"what the hell,psyche!" I exclaimed and get the bottle on her hand. She had drank 3 bottles of wine.

"You don't care! you don't even care! You don't even care about me!" She really looked drank. She really looked sleepy. She wears a black sando and red short with her now black and red hair and she have black earings and thick eyeliner with her red lips. She wears 4 black bracelets.

"You've Changed." I said.

"This is what I want! You don't care!" She exclaimed.

"I used to care about you." I said while looking at her.

She just leaned her face against the table.

"Come on, I will bring you to your room." I said and about to carry her.

"Don't touch me Ericko!! I hate you! I hate you so much! I hate you mom! I hate you dad! I hate my bestfriends! I hate everybody!" She cries. She thinks that I'm Ericko. She was really angry at Ericko. She still can't get over about everything.

"I'm Skyler." I kindly said.

She just looked at me. She smiled at me. I smiled back. I know she can't see me. She just smiled at me while his eyes were closed. She was really drank. I carried her and putted her to her bed. I covered the blanket in front of her chest.

"Thank you." she said while her eyes are closed.

I just smiled and kissed her forehead.

I think, I will go now. I don't even get any food and milk.

I'm about to go when she grabbed my hand and pulled me down. She kissed me on my lips.

*x* shocked.

I'm still with my eyes widely opened.

It was very fast.


I don't know what to say. I just pulled away.

*blag* she throw herself against the bed with her both eyes closed. I think it's not right. She was just drank. It's not the right time.

"Good night" I said and smiled.

I didn't get any smiled from her. So I just switch the light off and closed her door and go outside.

I went to my room and sleep.

Next morning.

"Hey mom." I greeted her.

"Hey." she said not looking at me. She was busy watching her favorite korean drama 'My love from the star'

She stopped the movie.

"What happened to Psyche yesterday? One of our guard saw her sneak out. She got back when it was midnight, drank. She's not Psyche we used to know. Something was wrong. She's changing into a bad person. We should stop her from changing." She said with a concerned look.

"I will try my best." I simply said. I will try my best to bring back her normal life.

"Hmnn. She's in the kitchen." My mom said and she played again the movie.

I went to the kitchen. I saw her playing with her food.

I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms.

"What happened to you last night?" I asked her coldly.

She looked at me. She stared. I'm waiting for her reply.

"just went to a bar." She said in a cold tone.

"You are now going to that place huh?" I said in a mad tone.

"Yah, just finding some friends." she said and rolled her eyes.

"And,?" I asked her for the next sentence.

"And I didn't find someone. They are all fake. They just act like they care, but after that, when you see them in person. They didn't even recognized you." She said in a mad tone.

"You don't need to find some friends, I'm always here, Chrysler, mom and dad." I said and smiled at him.

"Yah, I know it." She said in a cold tone.

"So please, I hope that, that will be the last. I don't want you sneaking out, especially at night." I said.

"I will still do what I want! It's my life! It's not yours." She said madly.

"Why are you became like that?" I asked her.

"I'm tired of always being weak! Being useless! Being neglected! Being broken! Being ... Being.... Arrgghhhh! Whateverr!" She throw the spoon.

She got up and went upstairs.

I just get my plate too and start eating silently.

She will locked again to her room. And she will just get out when it breakfast,lunch and dinner time.

Her life was so sad.

I'm worried about her. I can't even have good conversation with her.

But I'm always here for her.
Author's note:

#TeamPsyLer! *0* ;)

Hi. :) just wanted you to know that we are Champion in Street Dancing. *claps* We made it!

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Vote and comment :) Thank you very much! :")


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