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Sophomore year rolled around and the two kings seriously did not get even one percent better looking. During said year, Meka Dragon and Kraken, along with Giga Zaur, took a trip to Baltimore. Due to a string of very unfortunate events, Meka Dragon and Kraken did not get to enjoy the 7 hour bus ride together, nor did they get to stop for male enhancement pills. Instead, Kraken was accompanied by a new found king, Cyber Bunny. While they had been friends for years now, Kraken still yearned for it's partner in damage, Meka Dragon. And, instead of Kraken, Meka Dragon was accompanied by another friend of the kings, and the mate of Kraken. It's name was Alienoid. To the anger of Kraken, a sickening human being placed itself near Alienoid for the bus ride, and became close to sucking it's peen. She fondled Alienoids antennas the whole way there, and Kraken was not pleased. When the gang finally stopped for some food, they lept out of the bus, ready to fuck up some commas and down some sliders. As the monstrous feast came to a conclusion, Kraken, Meka Dragon, Giga Zaur, Alienoid, and Cyber Bunny loaded up their game cards with cash they earned by doing hella damage. They whipped out their game cards faster than a friend of theirs would whip out their tits, and got down to business. After an hour or so of fucking up every comma they could see, it was time for them to exchange their hard earned tickets for some prizes. The creature from the bus made a second appearance. Meanwhile,  Alienoid struggled to pick a prize, so Kraken sacrificed its hard earned stripper cash, and Alienoid got two prizes. Although Kraken and Meka Dragon wanted to drop the fuck dead after sitting on a bus for all these hours, they had to somehow squeeze their nasty ass tentacles and claws back on to get to their hotel, where they would be spending the next 3 days.  When they finally got their room key to their hella expensive, fancy, no-free-wifi hotel, Kraken was hostile as hell and at any second was ready to unleash the 600 damage it'd been storing up for weeks. Their roommate was going to be the target. "Mom, check out our great room!" the roommate exclaimed, waving her iPhone 6 around the room, while wasting her data on this said FaceTime call. The roommate knew that Krakens "tentacles" were running loose, trying to be contained by the Kraken into a very expensive Calvin Cunt sports bra. "Jesus fucking christ" an angry Kraken bellowed, shoving it's assets quickly into a safe hiding place. It spent the rest of the night wallowing in anger until it saw itself in the mirror and finally fainted of terror.

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