Chapter 2

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When I opened my eyes I yawned loudly, rising my head up to get up, only for it to fall back on my pillow again," Ugh..."

Then, I felt something cold lick my ear. I squeaked and shot up, hitting my head on the upper bunk. I held my head as I looked down, and I blinked when I saw a small Digimon. I scrambled for my glasses and put them on. It wasn't just any Digimon, it was my dream Digimon! Wow now that I think about it, it sounds cheesy.... Eh what can I do?

It looked at me and copied my yawn, and stretched out, her five tails swaying in sync. I disregarded my pain and gently picked up the Digimon, and realized she had my Digivice in her fur. She picked it up with her mouth and then dropped it in my hand. I smiled, before hugging the small creature," Oh Sugar, I expected you to be small, but not this small!" I gently scratched on the side of her head and she made a soft purr," And you're so much cuter than in my drawings, Kasaimon!"

" Kasaimon?" It echoed, and cocked its head.

" Oh! You, Kasaimon." I pointed at her, then to me," I'm Aki."

Kasaimon sat and looked at me, before putting its paw on my arm," Aki." Then it pointed to itself," Kasaimon!"

I smirked and she started chanting her name like a broken record, bouncing up and down.

I smiled but then looked at my clock on my wall and gasped, jumping out of bed instantly. Kasaimon cocked her head to the side as she floated over to my dresser where I was getting dressed," Where Aki going?"

" I have to visit my sister in the Hospital! Oh Sugar, If I don't hurry I'll be late!" I shouted and finished putting on my bag and was about to walk out the door when Kasaimon jumped on my head.

" Me go too!" She chirped and I jumped in realization. I couldn't leave her here! Mom would freak and Kasaimon would accidentally burn the house down! We couldn't afford that!

I took her off my head and looked at her," Ok but you have to be completely still."

" Okie Dokie!" She smiled and went limp. Not still but passed as a stuffed animal.

When I walked out my room and into the kitchen I saw my mom with a phone in her hand," Are you going to see Alex?"

" Yeah." I said flatly and she smiled at me as I put on my shoes, but as I walked out she frowned.

" Enjoy it while you can.."

I stopped for a second, before walking out of the house completely. After grabbing a piece of that pastry that Takato brought yesterday.


" Alex?" I said softly, poking my head in from behind the door. I saw her put down her tablet, and smile at me.

" Hey." She smirked and sat herself up more, to let me sit at the foot of her Hospital Bed. When I sat down she set Kasaimon on the bed, and went over to the door to make sure nobody was around. Alex looked at me," Is something wrong?"

" Oh! No not at all." I laughed. I poked Kasaimon," You can unfreeze now." I whispered in her ear.

Kasaimon suddenly sprang up with a yip, making Alex nearly jump out of bed. She blinked," W...What?"

" I know right!" I chirped," One day I just find a random card and then, poof! Kasaimon is here!" I grinned.

" Kasaimon?" She questioned and gently picked up the Digimon," What a cutie-pie!"

"All right, I also brought... Games!"


About two or so hours later I found myself walking to the park with Kasaimon. It wasn't to far, but it wasn't close either. I don't know what it was, but as I walked I just imagined zeros and ones littering the ground and zooming past like a active stream. Wow, I have some imagination.

When I looked up I saw that the swings were empty. I walked over and put myself on the swing. I gently pushed on the ground and slowly swayed with the swing, humming a small tune. I leaned my head against the chain that held the seat of the swing, and watched the ground. I watched as the patterns flew by.

I paused however when I saw a shadow. I looked up to see a boy, inspecting Kasaimon in my hands," I've never seen that Digimon before."

I blinked," Oh--uh... That's because I made it." I held Kasaimon closer. The boy smirked.

" It seems so." He got into Kasaimon's face and I could sense her uneasiness. I gasped as she let out a cry for help and scurried her way up me and hid in my scarf. The boy laughed," Well it's very cute."

" You're not scared of her?" I asked, and put Kasaimon back in my lap.

" Why would I be scared when I'm a tamer myself?" Suddenly I noticed a Terriermon crawl up into his head.

I smiled widely, and got off the swing," Wow! A Terriermon!" Kasaimon floated her way up to it and placed herself on the other Digimon. I laughed," That's Kasaimon, and I'm Aki."

" I'm Henry." He grinned as well.

(Sorry that it's late guys XD I've been busy on my other account... And yeah XD)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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