An immortal (a naruto fanfic) Ch.2

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          I wake up in the morning to someone shaking my shoulders "mhm??" "wake up Hoshi!" my eyes snap open and i look up at the masked man "oh morning kakashi" i sit up surprised "what?? I'm tired!" i mumble rubbing my eyes "we have to go to the academy to meet my students" he says tucking me up to my feet i grown grabbing my bag i walk to the bathroom and quickly change into a short sleeve black t-shirt that came up to my bra and a while tank top underneath with lose cargo shorts and the standard ninja sandals. i pull my long hair into a pony tail and walk out the bathroom "alright lets" kakashi looks up from his book and nods "lets get going" "you" he says turning suddenly to me "wait here for me" he says pointing to where i was standing "and I'll be right back" i nod rolling my eyes "what ever kakashi" he turns back to me "I'm serious stay right there" i nod and he walks away 'mhm should I??" i turn and look at the academy smiling and sigh 'nah not today' i see a swing and decide to sit instead of standing the whole time. so i take a seat and wait after a while kids come pouring out the school running off 'what tha hell??' i spot a kid so i decide to ask what's going on "oi!! kid!" i yell getting him to turn around "what??" he asks his eyes narrowing at me "what's going on at the school??" he rolls his eyes "were going on a lunch break till we meet our sensei" he says turning and walking away 'kids these days when i was younger and acted like that i would have gotten- hay where's kakashi??' i look around 'he'll be here in a bit' i think and wait after the students come back and about 4 hours of waiting i scream and jump up "that little basterd!" i walk into the school and look around for the class room i see a door open 'guess that's it' i pick throw the crack to see three students sitting and waiting 'guess those are kakashi's??' i shrug and tug the door open when i hear a flup 'flup??' i look up and see and hand holding an eraser over my head 'was that about to fall on my head??' i turn to the students and then over my shoulder at who caught it 'kakashi?' he looks at the students "my first impression of you your idiots" 'ouch harsh kakashi" "lets go to the roof" he says walking back out. i quickly fallow him "what the hell kakashi what took so long!!" i ask fallowing close behind him "i got lost" he mumble "lost my ass you showed me here!" "watch your mouth" he mumbles and keeps walking. i sigh and fallow him up to the roof a bit agitated by this man. "ok how about you tell us about your selves you name your like and dislikes hobbies and dreams for the future  ?" kakashi asks "why don't you start?" asked the pink haired girl kakashi shrugs "ok my names kakashi hatake i don't really like telling you my likes and dislikes i have a lot of hobbies and never really thought about the future" he says and turns to me "me?" he nods and i smile turning to the students "my name is Hoshi no Ko my likes are books and quite my dislikes are annoying people and rude people load people and sometimes just people my hobbies don't really have any and dreams for the future are a bit complicated" they blink confused but shrug it off "alright you at the end" he says pointing to the blond "hi my names naruto and-" 'man the sky is so blue' i watched the clouds roll across the sky till "oi Hoshi!!" my head snaps to kakashi who sighs "what??" he shakes his head "nothing pay attchen next time" he says turning back to the students "meet at the training ground we're going to do a survival exorcise" i nod and stand up "and don't eat breakfast either you might throw up" they nod and kakashi disappears "that di-" a hand slaps over my mouth "what did i say about that mouth??" i roll my eyes and glare up at him and flip him off he removes his hand from my mouth "you never said anything about the finger" i say waving and jumping off the roof laughing at the startled looks i get from the kids and the people around us. "see ya later kakashi!!" i yell running off to the stores of clothes i dent have many with me. after I'm done doing a bit of shopping i head back to kakashi's place i knock on the door "oi kakashi open the door" nothing i sigh and sit my bags down and pull out a hair pin and pick the lock and shove the door open picking my bags up and sitting them on the couch i walk back to the door and push it closed quietly and walk back in 'wonder where he is??' i shake my head and walk into the back rooms looking around and spot  kakashi sleeping in the bed a book across his face just strait up sprawled out on the bed. i takes everything in me to keep me from laughing so i slowly back out the room and close the door behind me i grab my new clothes and throw them in the washer and hop in the shower i was about to get out when there was a knock on the door "yeah?" i call out "Hoshi??" i roll my eyes "no I'm an crazy axe murder taking a shower in your house hello!" i hear him chuckle throw the door and i turn the water off and pull my pj's on and open the door "your an awful small axe murder" i scream and turn punching him in the chest "jerk don't scare me like that!" i yell and continue to punch him in the chest. i look up at him and see him yawning i glare at him and plop down on the couch pull a comb throw my wet hair and glare at him as he sits down on the couch picking up one of my bags of things i bought. "where'd you get the money for this??" he asks "i had some saved up" i say snatching it out of his hand. he sits back and picks up his book from the table and reads while i shift throw the bags 'a new book , new weapon's my clothes are washing right now anything else??' i thick things on my fingers making sure i got everything i needed. i shrug and lean back and look at kakashi out the corner of my eye "so kakashi you existed about tomorrow??" he looks up and shrugs i roll my eyes "well than get off the couch I'm tired" i say pushing him with my feet trying to get him off the couch. he looks over at me not looking very interested "get up" i mumble pushing to no avail when suddenly he stands up making me fall over onto the floor. i glare up at him "you jerk" i mumble standing and dusting my self off and plopping down on the couch wrapping the covers around me he wave's and walk into his room closing the door behind him.

    the next day i drag kakashi to the training filed him groaning about it the whole way when we arrive i drop him on the ground "ok kakashi stop being a little bitch and stand up come on you have kiddies to teach" i mumble nudging him in the side with my toe i roll my eyes and turn to the students "hello guys" they nod and look around me as kakashi finally stands up and sits an alarm clock on the ground "this alarm is set for 12 o'clock" he then explains what they have to do is get a bell. "Hoshi" i turn and he toss me a bell i catch it and hock it to my belt loop and look at the students "i wish you luck in getting this from me" i say smiling at the tree of them sasuke and naruto roll there eyes. 'well than' i shake my head and wait for kakashi to say go and let his students prove they belong here in the ninja world. 

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