Day 2 ( School )

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I walk/run to school since my alarm clock didn't work. Great. I had to start my Junior year late and my brother didn't even bother to wait for me. I tied my hair into a bun since I didnt have time to actually fix it. I had to rush to the bathroom and embraced the cold running water into my body. Brrr . I swear it was like a bucket challenge.

I rushed to the student affair office and claimed my schedule. I had Literature at the second floor. Great. Just great. I run towards the stairs as fast as  I could. When I arrived at the said classroom, i fixed myself first and open the door, hoping the teacher's not there yet and  I slowly opened it. There were like 10 students inside and it was obvious that the teacher's not there, they were freakin noisy. "Cassy !" I looked at Kat sitting near the teacher's table. Thank God I have her here. I looked at her with confusion.

"What?" She asked.

"You don't like sitting in front." I stated pointing at her seat.

She normally sits at last row. And she will drag me there with her and I happened to hate being last. It was like hell in there. You know,the part where your attention is taken by the little devil beside you talking non-stop. And now that devil is sitting here in front.

"Well I'm turning a new leaf." She bragged and cross her arms. "Now sit." She said pointing at the seat beside her. Well I guess this will lessen her non-stop talking.

As I was to ask her about the phone call, the teacher came. We looked at him with awe. He was tall,wearing a plain gray shirt and pants. Simple as that,but he wore it like it costs a lot. He has a fit body which I could imagine tha six-pack abs he has beneath those cloth. He has messy hair, nice nose and that red lips. And what makes him more appealing was the glasses he was wearing. Hot and respectful at the same time. I looked at my bestfriend and I swore, she was about to drool. Now I know why we're here at the front sits. I rolled my eyes on here. She never changed.

"Good morning class. I am Frank Austin Golberg, your Literature teacher." And just like that, the girls were giggling and saying Hi instead of a good morning. Thats when I realized that the classroom was full. Boys scattered everywhere and looking at the girls with disgust. I laughed at their expressions. So precious.

"Turning a new leaf huh?" I whispered to Kat. She shrugged and showed me a toothy smile. She really like this guy. Well who wouldnt? He's the definition of an almost-perfect man.

"Okay class, let's start." He smiled at us and faced the board. As he was about to start, the door opened revealing a guy around my age having a black wavy hair with brown eyes. He was wearing a white shirt and black pants.  I could say he's handsome....another familiar person. Gosh i need to work on my memory more. But he was obviously late than I am.

"Hey Bro ! " we all looked at the guy who shouted from the back. I guess he was calling him. The guy nod and approached the other guy. They were both attractive,i assure you. Girls were looking at him like he was food. I've never saw them here before. Maybe transferees.

"I presume you already know each other since its your 3rd year here, so there will be no introductions." Mr. Golberg said and the class cheered. Like who the heck loves introductions? Cause I dont.

Class resumed and Literature wasn't that bad after all,especially having a teacher like Mr. Golberg.

The bell rung and students started to scatter. We left the room after Kat bid goodbye to Mr. Golberg. But I think she was just flirting. I had to glare so she would stop and we could leave.

" Wasn't he dreamy?" Kat touches her cheeks both sides and look at the ceiling. She's so into him. "I guess so." I stated and she looked at me with wide eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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