Chapter 6

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That's what Addy saw. Little white dots would come and go. Where am I?  she thought. She tried to trace her way to back to where she started the day. 


She groaned, the voice interrupting her proccess. 

"Addy, can you hear me?" 

The voice. It sounded so familiar.. and it was getting closer and closer. 

"Addy, come on, open your eyes" 

Open my eyes, she thought, maybe that will help

"Oh thank god." Brian breathed, relieved. "Addy talk to me, what hurts?" 

"Brian..." Addy murmered, before falling back into the darkness. 


*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

Addy woke up to the quiet beeping of a machine. She looked around confused, taking in the scene of the hospital room and someone sleeping in a chair in the corner- Brian. Then it all came crashing (lol) back to her. The loud noise. Nike. Her body flailing towards the jump. She looked over at the door as it opened and Braden walked in. "Oh my god Addy. You're awake, how are you feeling?" He asked anxiously, coming to her side and intertwining his hand in hers. "Braden." She said, her throat dry. "My head hurts." 

"I know baby, I know." He said, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. "The doctor said you have a mild concussion. You have to take it easy for a few weeks. Does anything else hurt?" 

"No, that's it." Addy replied. Her eyes widened as she remembered her horse. "Nike! Is he okay? Nothing happened to him, right??" She asked, visions of her beloved horse crashing through the jump flashed through her mind. 

"He's fine. He stopped, he didn't crash through. I think he's worried about you though, he keeps whinnying and pawing the ground." Braden told her, his lips finally curling into a smile. "I'll go grab you some water and something to eat from the cafeteria. Be back in a few," he said, gently kissing her forehead before walking out and softly closing the heavy door. 

As Braden left, Brian opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Addy awake. "God damn it Ads you nearly gave me a heart attack." He said, only half-jokingly as he went over to her side. "The doctor said you can be released tomorrow morning, so you're coming home with me. Your mom is on the first flight out of London, but she won't be here until Wednesday, so you're stuck with me." He finished, with a small smile. 

Addy smiled up at him and closed her eyes again, but not before reaching out for Brian's hand to give it a squeeze. 

Addison Parker: The Trials and Tribulations of an EquestrianWhere stories live. Discover now