Chapter 4

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Wait I didn't know people actually read this (x  yeah idk where I'm really going with all of this, so if you have any ideas for the story line, hit me up on tumblr: Thanks for reading!!


The mystery girl easily halted the mare and whipped her GPA topped head around. Addy quickly looked over the girl, assessing her Ralph Lauren sweater, spotless breeches, and shiny black Pikeur boots- she meant business. Addy unlatched the gate and walked in, her brain moving a thousand miles a minute as she formulated what to say. 

"I'm Kaelyn" the other girl said, speaking first. "I just moved here from California and my horses aren't getting in till tomorrow. Brian said I could ride one his jumpers. He thought Abbey would be a good fit, but she seemed a little too bored in the hunter ring."

Addy laughed. "Well maybe that's because that's not Abbey. You're on Dandy, she's still pretty young but Brian sees the Grand Prix in her future. If you give ask one of the grooms they can show you Abbey. And this probably isn't the best ring to start your career at Wheatland." Addy felt guilty for saying the last part in a rude, snotty, better-than-you tone, so she smiled as the girl walked out, embarrassed for her unnecessarily rude welcome.

Addy took a deep breath and mounted the black beast she had been holding. She adjusted the stirrups on Brian's worn and comfy saddle and let the gelding amble around at a walk. She was relieved the jumps weren't set as high as they normally are so she decided she would pop over a few. 

An hour later, Addy strolled back into the big, breezy barn. A groom quickly came over to help her and for once she didn't shoo him away, considering she'd never seen the horse and didn't know where he lived. She finished taking off his front boots and watched as the groom led him to a wash stall before heading around the corner to the tack room as she crashed into someone. 

"Ahhh oh my goodness I'm so sorry!" Addy and the girl who crashed into her both screamed at the same time. The girl stood up and sure enough it was the same girl from the GP ring. "Sorry oh, um, Kaitlyn is it?" Addy asked, scrambling to remember the name. 

"Kaelyn, actually." The girl said with an edge as she briskly walked away. Addy chuckled it off, her guilt from earlier disappearing. Whatever she mumbled as she sat on her trunk and took off her Sergio Grasso Imperas. She stuck them in her trunk and traded them for a pair of worn, navy blue Toms. She flipped the trunk closed and pulled out her iPhone. 3 messages from Brian, a couple from her friends, and one from her Dad. The latter was never good news. Before she could read the message, Braden swiftly sat down next to her and tucked her hair behind her ear, as he kissed her softly on the cheek. "Dinner? I'll pick you up at 7?" He said softly. Addy smiled, "That sounds perfect" she replied, thoughts of her dad disappearing.  

Addy fished the keys out of the ignition and walked into her family's enormous brownstone. She slammed the door behind her and threw her keys into a bowl before padding up to her room to get ready. She threw her barn clothes in the hamper and jumped into a steamy shower, letting the water wash away her day. 15 minutes later, she reluctantly turned off the water and wrapped a towel tightly around her toned  rider's body, as she walked over to her closet. After deciding on white shorts, a blue striped long sleeve, and a gray cotton infinity scarf, Addy went back to her bathroom to manage her hair. She unwrapped the towel on top of her head and expertly dried her hair so the wavy golden locks lay nicely along her back. "Eh, good enough." she said aloud, wondering back to her room to get dressed. She looked at the clock, 6:50, just as she finished putting on her mascara. Addy grabbed her butter-soft leather bag and tossed in her phone and sunglasses just as the doorbell rang.

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