Social Connection :'(

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I saw him. Greyson was standding there ordering his coffee looking up at the sign trying to choose which one he wants. I grabb the little menu that was on the table and burried my face in it. I would genuly peek and watch Greyson grab his coffee. He then started walking twards my way. He say my eyes. I quickly lifted the menu and search through it hoping he dosnt notice me. He had to sit down next to my table. I was still looking through it but would look to my right and find Greyson sipping his coffee. I then looked straight and saw his fans admiring him. I then heard him say "You do know I can see you." I looked at him and he gentaly smiled at me. I put the menu down looking at him wondering if he rememberd me. Somehow he didnt cause he asked "Whats your name" I sputterd abit. I shook my head cautiously and he replied "Fine. I understand. No need to tell me." I looked at my coffee and took a sip of it. The warmthness of it slid down my scrachy througt. "What you drinking?" He asked. I finaly responded "Caramle Frapicino, you?" He liffted up his drink and replied "same" There was an awkward silence. He then got up and walked towards my table. He grabbed the chair and sat down. I inquierd "Why did you move?" He didnt respond but then sputterd "Cause I want to get to know you. Now do you want to answer my question, whats you name?" My eyes grew wide. I didnt know what to say. What will his reaction be if I told him "Umm Elizabeth Darling.." I stopped and looked at his expression he responded "Thats funny. I have a friend that has the same name as you and actualy to come to think of it she has the same beautiful eyes as you adn hair and omg Elizabeth its you." He stared at em and my eyes waterd. "In a flesh." He was still looking at me. A tear rolled down my face. I wipped it and said "Wow. Such a small world. Greyson?" His face turnned pale and his eyes were watering. He couldnt say anything. So he just grabbed me and I broke out in tears letting all my forceful and stuned tears flow on his shoulder. He whisperd in my ear "I missed you so much" then kissed my cheek still in a tight squizze of a hug. Wait what. He misses me? I squirmmed out of his grip and pushed him back away from me "Why do you miss me. If you missed me you would have not left me here alone. You broke our promised. You think you can just come up in here and say you missed me when you didnt. Your a lier." I backed away from him alittle. "Noo Elizabeth. You dont understand I had to stay for Clare-" I cut him off "CLARE. I thought you loved me." This time the whole coffee shop went quiet and all of his fans quieted alittle staring. Some had camras and started video tapping us. "I do but" He tried to say. "But nothing Im tierd of it im tierd of this so stop." I said. "God Eliz would you shut up adn listen to me for once." He yelled stern. I flenched scared "You never yelled at em like that." I whisperd backing away towards the door. "Eliz. Im sorry just li-" I didnt hear anything and ran out of the shop screaming and pulled on my hair messing up my bun. I ran down the stairs but missed a step. I then fell 9 stairs and rolled and squirmmed. I heard Robert yell my name and run towards me. I then noticed Greysin at my side. He grabbed my hand and called out for help. I put my other hand on my head and felt blood scorching down my face. I jerked away from Greysons grip and yelled "DONT TOUCH ME. YOU BACKSTABBER." I stood up but fell back. Luckly Robert caught me and held on my arm. I turnned and faced him. I then burried my face in his chest and sobbed in it. He wrapped his hand around me and whisperd "come on. Get in." He said opening up the door. Greyson jogged over to me but Robert stopped him and said forcefuly "Dont touch her. Just leave our lives alone. I never want to see you and you family near us ever again." Greyson backed away from him with tears forming in his eyes. Robert let me slid in and then shut the door. He walked over to the driver seat and opened it. "But...Let me-" Greyson tried to ask but Robert raised his finger up to warn him to be quiet. "Shhs, no but,if and or or's." He then got in the car and buckled up. I then heard bannging on the window and knew it was Greyson. He started pleeding "Please no Elizbeth, belive me. I..I love you..dont" But then the limo drove off. I looked behind and saw him on the ground on his knees burring his face in his hands. I then put my hand on my head and flenched. I felt the pain linger through out my body. I closed my eyes and a tear rolled down. I then whisperd "I love you, too" I have a feeling Robert heard cause he looked in the rareview mirror at me seeing me crying with my blood flowing down my skin. I heard him sigh but then screamed alittle letting all my agony out. I somehow grew weaker and weaker. My eyes grew heaveier and I fall asllep for what seemed forever.

Famous lies Greyson Chance Love Story Rated Pg-13Where stories live. Discover now