I sit down in a random seat but a girl with purple eyes walks up to it and says "This is my seat and taurtis is my man!"
I stand and find a new seat at the very front and knew that this school would be no better than the last.
The teacher walks in and calls every ones name and then she stops at mine and looks down at me and says "ah you must be YN"
I look up and nod silently
It's lunch time and I sit outside alone with my mini donuts that I barely touch when I feel someone coming to sit next to me, I look up and see taurtis and Sam tagging along rather reluctantly. He sits and smiles and says with a laugh "you gonna finish that?" I giggle slightly and Sam just roll his eyes and heads of with a girl in pink hair.
The bell rings and taurtis helps me up and we go into gym we get changed and come back to play dodgeball thankfully me and taurtis are on the same team but chan is shooting daggers at me. We start to play and chan shoots a ball (toilet paper roll) at me but it hits Sam. We finished the game and chant team lost and we won.