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I'm so excited to write this story again! Yes, again :D I wrote it in my language, the character's had other names and it had other story.

But here, I will write a little bit different story, characters names will be changed. I'm still in a struggle of deciding one name. It was another name and I don't want to change it, but this is a little bit other story. I won't say who's name it is, but you will meet him very soon :)

I fell in love with it a year ago and now, I get to go through the same feelings


Present, 2014 September 1st  ⏳


I jumped in my bed, breathing heavily. I slowly looked through the window to find out it was still dark. The sky was dark, I couldn't see the moon. Maybe clouds were hiding it. I tried to find any light of the moon, but it was no use. Why today. The moon was supposed to calm me down! Closing my eyes, I tried to calm myself. My whole back was wet, I was shaking, my heart was racing like I just ran a marathon. I hugged my knees. I felt like I was dying.

"It's just a dream. Just a dream" I whispered these words again and again. Every single night.

I've been telling myself this for two months now. Every night, it's the same dream. It never changes. I don't know it's meaning. I don't know how I can be related to this. But I felt, like I knew that girl. I saw her somewhere. I've probably met her. But it can't be. I'm in this year, and she is probably back to nineteenth century.

I'm going crazy.

My heart stopped racing so much, I was much calmer. It's ok. It's over. I'm fine. It was cold and all I wanted to do is get back to sleep. I slowly let go of my knees and opened my eyes. A gasp left my lips. I couldn't believe it. I saw rising sun. Right outside my window. I stood up and walked to the window. I couldn't see it, but I saw it rising, since the light was coming from that side. I walked few steps away from window, still thinking how could this happen. It was night just a few minutes ago. I sighed. I probably spent hours just trying to calm myself. I remember waking up in the middle of night and trying to calm myself. It took me several minutes, but now, it's been more than a hour. Is that even possible? Maybe I just sat for few minutes, thinking it was night time. But I perfectly remember, that it was night time. It was dark outside. I sighed again and decided to go get ready.

I slowly went downstairs and found my mum in the kitchen. She had a mug in her hand and was making herself breakfast. She turned around and smiled, when saw me coming in.

"Up so early?" She asked. I went to sit and took my head in my hands, because it suddenly started to hurt. I put my head on the table. She walked to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Couldn't sleep?" she asked again, which I responded with a nod. Mum just stood up and went to do something, while I kept my head on the table. It was hurting so bad.

My mum came back with a cup of tea. I slowly raised my head and looked at her. She gave me the cup without any words and I silently took it. Taking one sip made my head feel a little bit better. Small smile spread on my face, as I said:

"You have a cure for everything, don't you?" she just laughed and came closer to kiss my forehead.

"I will go now. And you better go and get ready for school" I groaned in response, as she put her mug into the sink and walked out of the kitchen. I heard her drive away, as I continued on drinking my tea. When I finished, my head wasn't hurting so bad. I just put the cup near mum's mug and walked upstairs to get ready. It was really early and I had plenty of time to get ready. I decided to go for a little run to clear my mind before going back to school. Dressing into something sporty, I walked into my sister's room.

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