Michigan here we come!!!

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Justins POV

Emily left and I was waiting for here car to pull up the driveway. Me and Ryan were going to squirt her with Water guns. I wondered why we havent really talked since the kiss. I knew I couldn't be a bad Kisser. I sure as hell knew that. I knid of Wondered if she liked Jeremy. I guess we would find out.

Emilys POV

I looked closly at the one in the middle. Then I  realized who it was.

Me; dad?

Dad; Hi sweetie

I started to get worried, I started to cry I don't know why I just did. I felt a breeze on my face. The next thing I knew Austin and Jeremy were next to me. I'm guessing He changed to. I knew that was going to happen soon.

Me; What are you doing here?

Dad; I came to warn you

Me; Why?  i said whipeing a tear from my face

Dad; The Order is Comming

Me; What?

Dad; Tell you mom ok?

Me; Well what do they want

Dad; ............You

Me; What? Why me?

Dad; They want you to go with them because your a sensitve, but they know that your stronger than all of them put together so they are going after him.

Me; what? who?

Dad; Justin they know you love him

Me; I don't understand

Dad; I've said to much already I have to go I love you Emily

Me; Why did you leave  I said still crying?

Dad; To keep you safe


I got out of the car with Jeremy and Austin. I was walking up to the driveway and I got squirted with water. I knew It was Justin. He wanted to have fun, but Obvisly he didn't see that I was crying otherwise he wouldn't have sprayed me.

Me; SHIT!!! Ughh 

Justin; I'm really sorry I didn't know you were going to get mad

Me; No, Its Just I don't have time right now, Jeremy lets go


Mom; Whats wrong sweetie

Me; Dad was here, in the woods when I was hunting, he said that the order was coming for me, and they know that I am stronger thatn them so they are going for Justin...... * sigh* I don't know what to do

Mom; ok, ok...... You are going to take Jeremy, Austin, Justin, Ryan, and Autumn. To the Cabin in Michigan. You're going to drive the enclave. Hurry Pack. NOW!!!

I was done in like 3 seconds. When Everyone else was done Packing. I got in the car I was driving, Justin was sitting next to me. We were driving in Shifts so that we would have turns sleeping. We have only been Driving for about 20 minutes then I saw 3 figures in the road. I knew they were Here.

Me; Damn they are fast * unbluckling* Stay in the Car everyone 

Jeremy; No chance in Hell

Me; Stay in the car

(Ty, Cali, and Emmet are the order we will get to them later)

Ty; Well Hello

Me; What do you want?

Ty; Oh I think you already know that Question, you see we know he is very  important to you and we would Just hate to see anything bad happen to him.


Ty; Ethier you change him or we will, and then he will have to learn the painful way

Me;* gets back in the car I rolled down the window* GOOD LUCK IN HELL, ASS WHIPES!!!!


Thanks so much for reading my story, I know its not that good yet but trust me it will get better. Please comment on what you think could be better. Oh and please Fan me. I try to read Everyones Storys <3

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