I know you can never love me when I tell you this but.......

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Justins POV

I spalashed Emily with Water. I didn't see that she was crying before, but after I did. She wasn't mad,well maybe she was but I said I was sorry,she forgave me but she took Jeremy inside and started talking to my mom and her mom. My mom made me and Ryan pack. I really didn't know why but I did as she told me. We were driving in the car, I was sitting next to Emily while she was driving. Then she stopped. She told everyone to stay in the car I didn't really know what was going on. She was screaming at them but I couldn't hear what she was saying so I rolled down the window a little.I heard "don't you dare threaten him" him? who was him?. I was really confused I didn't know what the hell was going on. Ryan was Just sitting in the back making out with Autumn. like hardcore it was kinda disturbing. Emily got back in the car. She started driving.

Me; Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?

Emily; Who wants to tell him?

Everyone; YOU DO

Emily; I don't think we sould tell him, I mean we are going to be in this car for about 2 days

Me; Well you have to tell me now

Emily; You really wanna know

Me; Uh yeah

Emily; I'm half Vampire

Me; What?

Emily; I'm half vampire, Thats why I can bearly be around you, and that's why I don't eat, and I'm cold and everything else.

Me; Oh

Emily; Yeah

Me; Why didn't you tell me

Emily; I don't really know I mean, You're not going to like when I'm half vampire, I mean no guys will.

Me; What do I have to do with all of this?

Jeremy; your

Emily; Absoulutly not, you are not telling him, not now

Me; Are you serious?

Emily; *sigh* Justin those guys that were in the road, They are after me and they know that I am stronger then all of them, because I'm a sensitive They are after you because they know your important to me

Me; Your a what, and I am?

Emily; yeah

phone Rings

Phone Convo

Emily; Hello?

Kyle; Your coming to the cabin?

Emily; yeah why?

Kyle; Well me and Adam are almost there so we can see you

Emily; Fine, But if you fucking Double park again and I have to park in the dirt I WILL kick your ass.

Kyle; OKAY OKAY, love you

Emily; love you too

Emilys POV

After I drove for a little while, I felt burning in the back of my throat. I knew I was hungry. I could tell everyone else was too. I got out of the car and so did everyone else. I told Justin I would be right back. I started walking with Jeremy and Autumn Because Austin was staying back to watch Justin. but then there was a tap on my shoulder. It was Justin.

Me; I'll be right back

Justin; I wanna watch

Me; You wanna watch me hunt?

Justin; yeah

Me; okay

Justins POV

I watched Emily bouncing off trees and running faster than anything I had ever seen. She came back and got in the car. We waited a bit for Austin and then, Emily let Austin Drive while Autumn was in the passenger seat.. We stopped at a red light next to a big house. I heard Emily Sigh.

Me; Whats wrong?

Emily; I want that. *pointing at an old couple and a young couple with kids*

Me; What do you mean?

Emily; I want my life to be like that

 Me; So you're going to be 17 forever?

Emily; No, I will age every 3 years, but you can't have kids unless both parents are half vampire


Emily fell asleep in my lap. She was cold but I had a sweatshirt so I couldn't really feel it. I played with her hair for a while. She was still the same Emily I fell inlove with. I kept thinking about how my life would be without her. I couldn't even Imagine it. I knew I wanted her to change me. I don't think I could live with out her. The good thing is that she isn't going to hell because she isn't living  forever. I mean. I wanted to have kids with her. From the moment I met her, I knew I wanted to be with her forever.

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