Thank God

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Emilys POV

I got up out of bed turned on the t.v to see if anything good was on,but there wasn't so I got my ihome and I turned it on and got in the shower. I sang along to Everytime we touch. I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me and I walked out to find Justin sitting up on the bed. I wierd thing Is, I didn't want to kill him. THANK GOD the feeling passed.

Justin; I didn't know you sing?  he said streching

Me; well I do, in my shower, can you turn around?

Justin; you're really good  He said turning around

3 seconds later

Me; k 

Justin; that was fast

Me; well, I'm half vampire

Justin; Please, Change me

Me; no

Justin; I thought you loved me

Me; I do more than anything

Justin; Then Change me, if you loved me you would change me

Me; I'm not changing you because I love you

Justin; *frowning laying back down on the bed*

I walked up to him, I got on the bed. I sat on his abs. I kissed him, Passionalty. I pulled back and smiled. Justin kissed me for a while then he got in the shower then he out on his swim trunks and went and sat by Jeremy, Austin, Ryan, Adam, and Kyle.

I wore

I remembered the water Justin squirted on me. So me and Autumn got the water guns and filled them up with really cold water. We ran out side. and started spraying them then we ran. We were faster than Justin and Ryan obviosly. Jeremy caught up with me and pushed me to the ground. He was sitting on me.I think we were having a moment because his eyes were all I saw,but then I knew he was controling my emotions.Then I went all vampire on his ass. We were like fighting, but it was super good. I was weightless. Finally he apoligezed then we went swimming. Justin got out and started talking to Jeremy. I read Jeremy's mind. Justin asked him to Change him. I got really mad. I got out of the water. I looked at him then at Justin. Jeremy started laughing because he was reading my mind.

Me; Fuck you

Jeremy; Tonight?

I went up to the cabin, went in my room and locked the door. I heard Justin knocking on the door.

Justin; Please open the door love (my nickname from him)

Me; You need to let me cool down

Justin; ok

~5 minutes~

Justin; open the door

I opened the door.

Me; What?

Justin; I'm sorry, I didn't think you would get mad

Me; Well I did

Justin; Why wont you change me?

Me; Because, You have a life Justin, a family that loves you and you have millions of fans. Why do you want to be half vampire?

Justin; I want to be with you forever

Me; I didn't ask for this Justin, I was forced, you don't want this trust me

Justin; I want you

Me; It really hurts  I said kissing his neck

Justin; how bad

Me; Worst than anything I have ever felt      I said between kisses

Justin; ok Just do it

Me; not right now

Justin; Why

Me; because, Justin, You're heart is beating fully. You're human and I want you to stay that way.

Justin pulled me back on his lap and slid his tounge in my mouth then he whispered in my ear

Justin; For my birthday?

Me; Thats in two days

Justin; Please

Me; You're mom will kill me

Justin; So you'll do it?

Me; *sigh* Are you sure this is what you want?

Justin; More than anything

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