The bonfire

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"Ugh Y/N hurry up!" I hear damon yell From down stairs. I hear kai laugh.

"Your boyfriend is calling for you!"

"Shut up kai!!"

I come out the bathroom in black skinny jeans with a plaid shirt. I don't really dress up for occasions like this.

I walk down to the living room of the salvatore house, to see all the boys waiting.

"Well let's go!" I cheer and open the front door.

The boys soon head out with me.

"Ugh Y/N why do we have to walk." Damon complained as we walked to the bonfire.

"Wow a vampire that's been around for a very very long time, can't walk to a bonfire." I tease. Damon rolls his eyes and gives me a pulls out his flask.

Stefan laughs to himself.

"Why are you being so quiet Stefan?" I ask.

"I don't know I'm just thinking about Caroline. She lost her mom." Stefan said bringing sadness to what used to be fun.

"We know stefan but tonight is about letting go and having a good time!" I say trying to up the mood.

"Guys I think we can all agree this walk is-" Kai stopped his sentence and snapped his fingers. We were at the bonfire. "Taking too long." he smiles.

"Thank you for once you're useful Parker." Damon says patting Kai's back and heading into the party.

Kai smirked.

"I'll be useful when it comes time to kill you."

Damon flipped kai off and continued on. I turned to stefan to see he was gone.

"So wanna go make out in the woods?" Kai asked following me around.

"Leave me alone Kai!" I complain getting a drink. He just laughs and continued to follow me.

"SO where is your boy toy?" He asked.

I looked around when I spotted him. I smiled I have known him since high school. I don't really like him but he's my best guy friend.

"Right there." I say pointing to him.

Kai grabs my shoulder and spins me around. He had a scared look in his eyes.

"Y/N we need to go. NOW." Kai says grabbing my hand and pulling me into the woods.

"What no!" I say pulling away from his grip.

I was confused. What happened to the Kai that wasn't scared of anything.

Why was he scared?

"Y/N please listen to me." Kai stated. He looked me dead in the eye.

Before I knew it Kai fell to the ground unconscious. I freaked out and fells to my knees.

"KAI!" I yelled shaking him.

I felt this pain go through my head. It felt like needles were being pounding into my head repeatedly. I fell to the hard ground.

"Hush, you wouldn't want anyone to hear would you." Says a familiar voice as I drift into unconscious.

Kai's POV-

"Kai!" I hear somebody yell as I raise myself from the cold hard ground. I look up to see Elena and damon.

"What happened? Where's Y/N?" Elena asked worried.

I stood up shaking and finally I was able to balance myself.

"He took her." I coughed.

Damon looked furious. He back me up against a tree.

"Who?" Damon asked.

I didnt want to tell them but I have to.

"We need to talk about this at the house." I said pushing Damon off of me.

Elena agreed and we went back to the salvatore house.

I drank the rest of my water to help the dry throat I have and sit down on the couch and start to explain.

"Before I killed half of my family I went out in the woods. I came across this house and there were only five people. Two adults and three kids. I was so furious at jo, I took it out on them. They looked so happy and I hated it, so I went over to the house while they were all sleeping and snuck in." I begin.

Elena and Damon were pretty intrigued as to what I was saying.

"When I snuck in the kids were in bed and little mommy was in the kitchen and daddy, well he was in bed. I grabbed a knife and stabbed her repeatedly and went upstairs one of the kids were in the bed with daddy and well I killed both of them. The other two kids escaped. I heard one died because of committing suicide."

"And how does the other won know you're hear and knows who you are." Elena asked.

"Before I was put in the prison world I got this note saying he would find me and kill me and the ones I love. I dont really love anybody so. He stalked me he knows who I am and what I am. And now I know what he is too."

"What do you mean?" Damon asked.

I looked up. "He's a witch too."

Elena freaked out.

"He's gonna kill Y/N! If she dies kai I'm gonna kill you!" She was so mad.

I could see where she was coming from though.

Y/N was her best friend.

She cared for her.

I hear a knock on the door. I raise my eyebrow. Who could that be?

Elena stood up and answered the door. I stood up to see who it is.

I was surprised to who I saw.

It was bonnie Bennett.

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