Daniel Howell

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I'm 18, and I have been for the past 86 years. I've watched the world go by, since I was born in 1912. I'm Daniel Howell, and this is my story.

As long as I remember, I've been pushed to go travelling; to explore the world, to meet my soulmate.

Ever since the beginning of the world, I've been told, you age. You age all the way up to the age of 18, until you finally meet your soulmate; then you both age together, grow old together, live together.

I've not been searching, I know why I'm still 18. My mother told me.

"They're in a different century, Dan." she says to me. "Just be patient. One day, you'll find them, and it'll be the best day of your life."

My mum's gone now, though, my dad too. All my friends have moved on, dead, almost. 86 years. I'm all alone. I've tried all these dating apps and shit, you know, for company whilst I wait.

None work, though. After a while, everyone gets tired of me complaining about the soulmate thing. They find out how long I've been waiting. That I'm actually 104 years of age, and leave.

I'm not sure what to do anymore; it's 2016, nearly. I don't know, I just don't.

I don't know what year my soulmate is born. When they're going to be 18. Where they live. What their name is. Even if they're alive, yet.

I've decided to just stay here; just wait, alone. Wait for my soulmate.

A/N: hey!! this is just the beginning of 'Through The Years', in Dan's perspective - sorry it's short and a bit boring! I'll try publish quite a lot, and the next chapter will be about Phil. Thanks! Have a great dayyyy. x

Through The Years; a phan fictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant