Chapter 4 Emika

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"If you keep scowling like that, your face will get stuck that way, Eren,"

"Shut up," he growled, "How can you just sit there and let our daughter be pushed around like that?"

Mikasa rolled her eyes, "She's fine; you're just overreacting. Again."

Eren turned his head away from his wife and looked on in anger at the children playing across the living room. Armin had invited him, Mikasa, and their now four year old daughter, Emika, for dinner and his three sons had been excited to play with their little cousin.

The problem was that their definition of playing with Emika involved pulling at her pigtails, pushing her around and telling her that since she was the girl, shehad to stay home and watch the children when they played house. The youngest Yeager didn't put up with it though, and smacked, kicked and fought with the boys back.

Eren scowled at the sight and was about to yell out to Emika and tell her to push Sam back when Mikasa pinched his bicep.

"Ow!" he hissed, "That fucking hurt, Mikasa!"

"Stop glaring at six year old boys."

"Then tell those six year old brats to leave Emika alone!"

"I already told you she's fine Eren," Mikasa sighed, "Back when I was seven and lived with my mom and dad, there were these older boys who used to pick on me too."

"So what? You just ignored them?" he asked.

Mikasa looked away, "Well no...One day I snapped, kicked them all and pushed them into a stream..."

Eren he didn't know whether to feel proud or horrified.

"They could swim!" she quickly added in, "But later that day, their mother told my mom what I did and my mom scolded me. Ever since that day, I've learnt not to give into my anger."

"So why won't you let me stop those kids from messing with Emika?" he grouched, "What if, unlike you, she 'gives into her anger'."

"...She won't," Mikasa said firmly.

As the two continued to bicker on the sofa, Armin sweat-dropped and decided to pretend that he couldn't hear them. He looked worriedly at the children playing, but not because of Emika, but for his sons instead. Eren and Mikasa hadn't seemed to notice yet, but their daughter had inherited the strongest traits from each parent. With her mother's brute strength and her father's burning temper, he knew the little girl would prove to be more than a handful.

He walked over to Annie, who was silently doing the dishes, and whispered to her, "I think we should break up the kids before things get out of hand."

Annie turned towards her husband, eyes cold and said, "They're fine. No son in my family would ever seriously lay his hand on a woman." And with that, she turned back and continued washing the dishes.

Armin was about to clarify what he meant when a sharp yell came from the parlor. He quickly ran out of the kitchen and, to his horror, came across Emika holding John in an impressive camel clutch.

Mikasa and Annie ran towards the two children, as Armin gaped and Eren obnoxiously cheered from the sofa.

"So much for not giving into anger huh?" he called out.

Mikasa decided to dismiss that and easily peeled her daughter's hand off of John's face, "You can't attack people like that Emika!"

"But he kept shoving me, Mommy!" the little girl cried.

"From now on you can't watch wrestling with Daddy anymore," Mikasa said darkly. The four year old began whining, while Eren also started voicing his complaints.

Armin exhaled and watched as Annie calmly picked up their now teary eyed son and strictly said, "No man in this family is going to be humiliated by a four year old girl. I'll start bringing you and your brothers to the dojo with me to train."

"That's right!" Eren called out, "I need to have Emika start train-"

"NO." Mikasa snapped her voice dark and eyes.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed and before you ask whyvI b updated this on Saturday and not on Christmas break don't worry I'm still doing the Xmas update but I c decided to take a this portion of Chapter 6 and write Chapter 5,
Coming soon Chapter 6 stay tuned.
Doctor1661 out

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