Chapter 13 The End

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Hey you guys I have some bad news this story is over, I'll be updating my other stories and Enjoy!

"Where on earth did you even find this?"

It was a tired evening after a long day at work, and before Eren could even sit down to unwind, his daughter had run up to him with an old yearbook clenched tight in her hands.

Emika hrugged her shoulders innocently, looking at the wide green book that she had placed in her father's lap, "I dunno...I was playing hide and seek with Erik and I found him under the bed, but his foot got stuck! So when I went to go pull him out I saw this thingy," she gestured at the yearbook that Eren was now holding, "And I saw your name on it and I wanted to ask you about it but you were at work, and since I'm not allowed to call your office anym-"

"-That's because you keep calling to talk to Uncle Levi."

The little girl scowled, "I call him because he's my friend"

"He has a lot of work to do and you keep interupting him," Eren said.

"Anyway," he said, "Continue with what you were saying."

"Oh yeah! After I found this book, I waited for you to be back. Then you came home, took off your shoes, made mommy mad again, was getting yelled at, start-"

"I get," Eren snapped, "So you wanted to ask me about this book, right?"

The eight year old nodded, bright eyed and all smiles. She climbed into her father's lap and pointed to his name messily scrawled on the top.

"That's you right?" she asked.

Eren nodded and flipped it open. Somehow Emika had managed to find his senior yearbook; an item that he had thought had been lost with the years. The edges were bent and colors dulled, but it still held the memories and photos of what seemed like a lifetime ago.

He looked on as Emika turned the pages, looking at and asking about all the people and things that she saw inside. When she came across the senior class she gasped at seeing her father one of the pages.

Her face was contorted in shock and disbelief, "Daddy! Is that you?!"

Eren smiled, "Yup. Back when I was seventeen."

Emika made a face, "You looked"

"So what?" he asked, "So cool? So handsome? Well I'll have you know that I'm still very hand-"

"So lame. Wow."

Silence hung in the air like a heavy scarf.

Emika was too busy looking at the old photo of her father while Eren was too busy trying not to let his hurt pride bleed through. The little girl kept looking back at the picture and then to her dad, whipping her head so strongly that her dark brown ponytail whipped him across the face.

"That was rude," Eren bit out tightly.

Emika shrugged and dismissed his comment, "Where's Mommy?"

Eren sighed and set his hurt feelings aside, "She's on the first page. Turn back a bit."


"The pictures go by last names. So if I'm with all the Y's then Mommy should be where?"

"Right next to you, duh, Emika deadpanned.

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