Chapter 11 Emergency

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"Shh...It's okay Emika don't cry," Armin whispered, stroking her hair.

The five year old nodded, sniffing her nose, as she buried her face into her uncle's shoulder. All around them they both could hear the footsteps and words of various doctors and nurses. Even though he told her not to worry, Emika could feel the nervous tension within his body.

The day had been an strange one, starting when Armin, of all people, picked her up for school. Emika had been excited at his unexpected appearance, but during the car ride, she noticed them taking an unfamiliar direction.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

Armin bit his lip, wondering if he should day anything, but relented, "We're going to go see your mother in the hospital..."

"Mommy?" she gasped, "Why?! Is the baby coming?!"

Armin didn't say anything, but Emika noticed the grim look on his face. She wondered why he looked upset. Weren't people supposed to be happy about having babies? When they were pulling up to the hospital, it hit her.

"Wait!" she cried, "Yesterday Daddy said Mommy was gonna have the baby in 2 months!"

Armin's eyes widened and he looked away, "...That was the plan."

"The plan?!" Emika cried, "If that's the plan then why is she having it now?!"

Armin stayed silent as he picked her up. The child kept asking him why, near to the point of tears, but he couldn't bring himself to answer. He walked up, signed in with the receptionist, and walked to the waiting room.

By then Emika knew he wasn't going to answer any of her questions, and solemnly sat on his lap as time went by. With each passing minute, she felt him grow more and more tense.

She hadn't seen her parents at all and had no idea if they were okay. She worried for her mother, her father, her little brother or sister. Loneliness grew inside her and she wondered if she would ever see any of them.

Just when she got the courage to ask her questions again, a familiar person caught her eye.

"Daddy..." she whispered. Immediately, she jumped of Armin's lap and ran to her father, before stopping half way.

Never before had she seen her dad like this. His eyes were wide and panicked, shoulders hunched, and cheeks wet. He looked so utterly distraught that it made Emika freeze in place, unsure how to process the sight. She heard Armin yell, "Eren!" and watched him run towards her father.

Armin grabbed Eren's shoulders and shook him, "Is Mikasa okay?!"

Eren jumped at Armin's touch, and tried to answer. But his throat was choked tight and all he could do was shrug.

"Is she still in surgery?" Armin asked.

Eren bit his lip and nodded his head. Emika saw his fists shaking.

"Calm down, Eren," Armin said, "Now's not the time to get worked.

Eren's voice was hoarse and shaken, "I-I know..."

Armin sat him down, "Do you know what they're doing?"

"Emergency C-Section I think..." Eren whispered.

"C-Section? The fall was that bad?"

Eren nodded his head and started shaking all over. Armin slowly began rubbing his back.

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