Chapter 1

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Okay hiiii I'm editing this entire story so it's better bc it really sucks. Sorry it took so long for me to do this 🤣 enjoy,

Kate's POV:

"Kate! Get your ass down here!"
My mom yelled at me from the top of the stairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back.
"God what does she want now?" I thought to myself.

My mom has never been the one to show affection towards me, or show any interest. She says I remind her too much of my dad and that's her excuse for being a shitty parent.
When I got downstairs my mom handed me an outfit.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"We'll you know I need some extra money, so I'm selling you."
She handed me a crop top with short shorts and a hot pink thong and matching bra.

"There's no fucking way you're being serious right now." I said in disbelief.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" She took another drink from her glass.

I rolled my eyes and went upstairs, refusing to let the tears fall from my eyes. I won't fight with her. But I refuse to be sold.

When I got to my room, I locked my door and opened my window. Luckily, my room wasn't far off the ground, so I jumped. I landed a little weird on my foot but I shook it off and started walking away from my own personal hell.

I wasn't too far from my house when I saw a car pull up to my house. I freaked out and began to run. Dumb decision, because one of them saw me and started the car again.

Harry's POV:
I paid her mum the money, and Louis started the car and started to drive towards someone running on the sidewalk. I was confused at first but then saw her as she turned around, and knew exactly who it was. Smart girl.

Liam's POV:
After a while of fighting and screaming, and a few tears, Kate was finally in the car. I know I didn't think this would be easy, but I didn't expect to get bit. "Alright babe, there's some rules. 1) No phone calls unless we're with you. 2) Don't try to run away because we will find you. 3) Don't fight. 4) You have to do what we say or you'll be punished." Harry said, buckling himself in.

"Oh, and you'll have a sleeping schedule. Monday is Louis, Tuesday is a break, Wednesday is Niall, Thursday will be Liam, Friday is a break, Saturday is me and Sunday is Harry." Niall said.

After a long drive and a few naps, we were finally there. We all had gotten out and waited for Kate. She refused to get out, so Louis and Niall grabbed her feet and hands then began to struggle to carry her into the house, due to her kicking and squirming.

Kate's POV:
When we got in the house, I was put down and I stopped fighting. I debated if I should just give in and stop fighting for good, but I decided I hadn't tried hard enough.
I looked at them all and made a run for the side door I saw right across from me. They all sprinted towards me and to my defeat, the door was locked. Before I was able to reach the lock, Liam grabbed me from behind and I dropped to the ground and cried.

I really thought I'd be able to get out.

Thankfully, they left me alone after bringing me to a couch. I continued to sob and curled into a ball. I never thought this would be my life.

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