Day Two: Sweaters and Sweets

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    Today's been boring. I've been having a sort-of writer's block and have been procrastinating on my homework. I'm supposed to be writing dialogue for an English project since the other person who "wanted" to do dialogue is being a lazy little shit. The fic I'm working on isn't going anywhere since I can't think of where I want to start it, and I always thought it easier to just go with the flow of a story instead of planning every little detail. Bluh.
    In other news, one of my after school activities is having a Christmas party tonight, and I'm going. We're having an ugly sweater contest and I had been thinking of printing off a picture of my teacher's face and taping it to my normal sweater as a joke, but I'm not sure on how he'd take it and I don't want hell for it. Since it's a potluck, I can only hope with every inch in my body someone brings sweets. I have the biggest sweet tooth, and I'm hoping that I can just be the girl in the background eating cookies instead of socializing. I have no idea if any of my friends will be there, so if none of them are and no one brings sweets, I'm forever alone. I'm also probably one of the worst people at socializing. I can't small talk for shit, nor keep a conversation going.
    Aside from anxiety over the party, I've almost been looking forward to Monday. Our Christmas concert is in hardly a couple days, and I'm super excited for it. I've also been rewatching Black Butler II. Hot butler fights ftw.

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