Chapter 2: Scars

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Stepping out of the car on a monday for me is absolute tourture, everyone is talking. It either 'hi Tara' or 'guess what i did on the weekend' sometimes even 'you won't belive who i fucked this saturday'.

Thats right everyone wanted me to know everything about them. Not that i mind, i like to say on top of everything, to be that first to know things.

But this monday it was different. There was a strange energy around. Like, i don't know, there was a new rumor or something, but, no, there couldn't be i would be the first to know. Not trying to be cocky or amything but people allways tell me things first.

Then all my questions were answered when my other bffaeae Bella came up to me practically bouncing from ecxitement. Wait let me explain Bella for you, she is very excitible, allways hyper, a bit of a slut and very sarcastic.

Anyway she was really excited,for some unown reason so knowing Bella i instantly guessed "Omg, Guys you won't belive this right, there is a new boy and he is soooo hot," i squeled useing an high pitch voice i only ever use to impersonate Bella, "Hahaha, very funny Tar," Bells droned, sarcasticly, "but how on this freaking earth did you know?"
Bursting out in the second fit of laughter that day, i replied simply "Oh honey, i just know you to damm well."

"Sooooo anyway, the new boy, he's hot and knows it, he has these really cool calculating eyes, he walks around lile he owns the place AND he TURNED Sasha down," she exlamed in litrally one breath. "Oh and he looks like a profesinal fighter, i swear he's smoking."

Me and Maya were smiling slightly at the sight of Bella, as she fanned her self with her hand, clearly picturimg this god of a boy.

The loud shringing of the first period bell woke me from my lets laugh at Bella phase i went through "Bella, get to class, and Maya have next lesson together." i announce, yeah its true i AM the mum of the group, i kind of keep them on the right track. For example i stopped,Bella from getting high every night and drinking her self dry, i helped Maya out of anorexia, yet i couldn't help but wonder who is going to help me?

It was fith period when i noticed someone was staring at me. I had the feeling that i was being watched all day, but it was more of someone watching my arms and legs then my body.

So i turned to were the feeling was coming from and i met eyes with Cole Newman. He was sort of a badboy but he had some how managed to complete the seven deadly sins in the space of a year apparantly something really bad happened to him, but who knows what.

As soon as i turned i turned straight back and blushed, ha lol i cant belive you fell for that! I turned and met his eyes and simply raised an eyebrow before turning back around. I decided to leave it but i could not help but wonder what he was looking at, and why he was looking at me. Allthough there is only one thing on my arms that he could be looking at... My scars.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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