Chapter 6

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-Gaara's P.O.V.-
I woke up, but kept my eyes closed hoping to fall back asleep. Having not slept well YEARS I really wanted to get caught up on some sleep. My mind was still hazy from sleep when I felt something warm in my arms. I don't know why, but my arms seemed to automatically tighten around the warm thing. I felt it move as it snuggled closer into my chest. My eyes snapped open and I looked down to see Ayame. I felt my cheeks heat up. 'Am I blushing. I can't be! Why would I be blushing!?' I looked at our position. Ayame was curled up against my chest and I had my arms around her waist. I felt my face heat up even more. 'Stupid. Stupid! Why am I reacting this way!? What is this feeling?' I look at Ayame's sleeping face, 'She actually looks kinda cute sleeping. WHAT AM I THINKING!' I quickly push all those thoughts out of my mind. Carefully as to not wake her up I untangle myself from her and get out of bed. Once free I grab a change of close and head into the bathroom to take a shower.

-Ayame's P.O.V.-
I woke up feeling a bit cold so I pull the covers closer. A few minutes later as I was about to fall back asleep when I remembered last night. I slowly open my eyes and looked to the side and saw no Panda. Then I heard the shower turn on. Now that that mystery was solved I realized that I was already awake so going back to sleep would be impossible. I slowly sit up and blink a few times before getting out of bed. I hear the shower turn off and not a minute later Panda walks out. He is wearing a pair of black sweatpants, drying his hair with a towel, and get this, he wasn't wearing a shirt! At the sight of his chest I felt my cheeks burn. I was probably a tomato by now. He had a perfect 6 pack. If at all possible I think I felt my cheeks burn even more read. I quickly snap my head to the side when I realized I was staring. I could practically feel his smirk. 'Ugh! Why does Panda have to be so annoying, but so HOT! NO! I did not just think Panda was hot! NO! No no no no no! Ugh!'
"Ayame." I take a deep breath and after a minute I feel my cheeks return to normal.
"Ayame." He calls my name again. I slowly turn to face him and see he is now fully clothed. I let out a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding. I saw him smirk and I got an irk mark.
"What?" I grumbled.
"Temari called us down for breakfast." I nod my head and head for the door with Panda following behind me. We reach the hotel lobby where they are serving breakfast. I made a waffle, grabbed some bacon, and some eggs. I found where Mari-chan and Kitty were sitting and sat down. Not a minute later Panda had taken the seat next to me.
"After breakfast we should probably head out." I turned my head to see Baki-sensei walking over. He pulled up a chair between Mari-chan and Kitty. We all nod our heads and continue eating. Every now and then I felt Panda glance over at me, but whenever I looked back at him he was always just eating his food. 'Maybe I'm just imagining things'

-Time skip 3 months later-
It has been 3 months since escorted that pain in the a**, Hayate. Since then things have gone back to normal. Panda and I have gotten a lot closer. I would even go as far as to consider him my best friend. (Second to Luna of course) Anyways, today Baki sensei called us all to meet up at training grounds 3. I wonder what we will be doing.
-At the training grounds-
Once every one arrive Baki explained to us that we will be taking the Chounin Exams next week at Konoha. After that he poofed into smoke and was gone. I felt my blood run cold.
Ayame! Calm down! I heard Luna shout, but I couldn't respond. I breaths were fast, and I realized I was hyperventilating. I was having a panic attack. I began shaking and fell to my knees. I heard people yelling my name, but I couldn't care less. All I could think was. 'No! I can't go back there! All the torture, the pain, the loneliness! No, I just recently escaped from there! I can't go back now! I'm all alone. Please Someone! me!
I felt someone grab my shoulders and begin to shake me. The person was shouting my name. The person's voice seemed so familiar. I slowly reopened my eyes and met a pair of worried sea-green eyes. Then I remembered him. My best friend. I felt myself begin to calm down. When I had my breathing under control I opened my mouth. "Panda?" He let out a breath as he looked at me with concern. I felt my eyes begin to water and a moment later hot tears were spilling down my cheeks. I launched myself at him and cried into his chest. He was stiff for a moment, but relaxed and wrapped his arms around me.

-Gaara's P.O.V.-
Baki-sensei left after he finished telling us ho we would be participating in the Chounin Exams next week at Konoha. I looked over and saw Ayame's face become pale. She began to hyperventilate and I started to run over to her. A moment later she fell to her knees shaking. She closed her eyes and clutched her head. We all started shouting her name. I was the first to reach her. I grabbed her shoulders when I heard her mumble, "No.... I can't go back there... All the torture, the pain, the loneliness...... No, I just recently escaped from there! I can't go back now! I'm all alone. Please. Someone! me." The last thing she said I could barely hear, but when I did I began shaking her. A few torturous minutes she began to calm down. I called her name again and she slowly opened her eyes. They looked so scared. So broken. I had never seen her like this before.
"Panda." I heard her say barely above a whisper. Her eyes began to water and a moment later tears were streaming down her face. She launched herself at me wrapping her arms around me as she sobbed into my chest. I was stiff for a moment; surprised by her sudden action, but a moment later I relaxed and wrapped my arms around her. 'So, I guess she is from Konoha.' My eyes steeled with determination, 'NO matter what, I won't let them hurt you again. I will protect you. Ayame.' After a few more minutes I felt her go limp in my arms. She still let out a few hiccups every now and then though. I looked down at her and saw that she had fallen asleep. My eyes softened at the sight of her. I knew that from then on that I would protect her with everything I had. I picked her up bridal style and stood up. I turned around to meet a very worried Kankuro and Temari.
"She is apparently from Konoha. I'm guessing that her scars come from people there." I told them emotionlessly. I saw their faces pale as they looked at her with shock and concern. I felt her snuggle closer to my chest as one of her hands clutched my shirt. I held her tighter. I wouldn't let anyone hurt her again. I turned around and began heading home with her safely in my arms. Temari and Kankuro followed glancing at Ayame worriedly every so often.
Once we reached home I immediately went up to my room and laid the sleeping girl gently on the bed. I pulled up a chair to the bed so I was on her left. Temari and Kankuro came into the room a while later and asked how she was doing.
"She's fine, but she hasn't woken up yet." They both nodded and sat on my couch by the window.

-4 hours later-
-Ayame's P.O.V.-
I opened my eyes and immediately regretted it. I had a throbbing headache and the light only made it worse. I remembered what happened earlier. Baki-sensei telling us that we would be participating in the Chounin Exams in Konoha in just a week. I suppressed a whimper. Slowly, I sat up while rubbing my temples.
"Ayame." I looked to my left and saw Panda sitting in a chair at the side of the bed. I looked around and realized I was in his bedroom. I turned my gaze back to him when he asked, "Are you okay?"
'No' "Yeah, I'll be fine." I give him a closed eyes smile, so that he can't see that it doesn't reach my eyes. When in eyes I see that his eyes are narrowed in suspicion. After a minute he just sigh and stands up. "Where are you going?"
"To tell Temari and Kankuro that you're awake." He looks back at me for a moment before handing me a piece of paper.
"What's this?" I look at it curiously.
"It's the entry form to the Chounin Exams as well as your pass to get into Konoha."
I flinch at the name of my old 'home'. I slowly and shakily take the form. Panda seemed to notice my fear because he puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry you'll be fine." he looks at me with determined eyes.
"How do you know?" I curse myself for the weakness that my voice was showing.  
"Because, I won't let anything happen to you." I stared at him in surprise. I saw nothing to say that he was lying. All I could see was pure resolve. For the first time I could remember I felt truly and completely safe. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug. I felt him stiffen, but he relaxed almost immediately and wrapped his arms around my waist returning the hug.
"Thank you." I mumble into his shoulder. I feel him nod against my shoulder and this time I couldn't help but smile a small real smile.

The Ten Tails (Naruto FanFic) (Gaara Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now