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People would always see me Ride and tell me your so good you'll go so far , you have a god given talent etc... . I never really believed them you know , my old trainer never really told me these things and at the time I thought she was right that I cant do this I cant do that . at times I would cry myself to sleep at night thinking why cant I do it . in the mean time I met a jumping trainer willing to teach me everything she knows and move to a guy who can take me to international level . couple months went by and I continued to take lessons from my old trainer . until I went to go see the lady who was willing to teach me and I rode her horse ( I rode her horse cause spirit was not over his injury yet.) her horse was pretty easy for me to ride so she let me ride another horse one more like spirit a horse that likes to test you . I thought that horse was pretty easy to , at the end of the ride I got off untacked her horse etc . and she told me something my parents told me for years I just never listened . " you have a god given talent and you'll go far . That day changed the way I looked at myself my old trainer continued to tell me I could do this or that . then one day realized she was holding me back , I know weird right why would your trainer who has trained you for 8 years would not want you to go far? Truth is I dont know .  but now I know that I can go far and if I put my life into my goal I can achieve it and bring home the gold metal. 

I just want to let you guys know its ok to have dout in what you do but moving past it is the best thing iv ever done .

xoxo~ abigail

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