Chapter Eleven - One Step Closer.

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Nova's P.O.V

Jumping up from bed as the sound of my phone loudly rang my heart repeatedly pounded against my chest.

"Hello?" I quickly answered the phone as Mama Gena's face popped up onto the screen.


"Mama, it's ten o'clock at night." I cut her off. "Shouldn't you be asleep."

"I had to call you Nova - Mell said you weren't answering any of his calls an' Mello's in the emergency room."

I jumped up the second she called Mello's name.

"What?!" I quickly began to panick. "What happened to my baby Gena? Is he okay?"

At this point I was already on my way downstairs an' out of my home.

"We don't know - Just get here soon, we're all here waiting."

I then got into my car driving three times the speed limit reaching to the hospital within minutes.

Rushing inside towards the receptionist desk my heart rate sped up uncontrollably.

"I'm here to see my son - Car'Mello Carter."

"He's in the operating room." She continued looking over his chart. "His father's also been taken into custody by officers."

"What?" I panicked. "What the hell happened?!"

"Ma'am, please."

I ignored her comment rushing into the waiting room where family an' friends sat around.

"Nova." My mama got up as she noticed my presence.

"What happened to Mello mama? - They're not telling me anything."

"Come with us." Mama Gena instructed me as both her an my mama's eyes filled up with tears.

"What's going on?" I quickly questioned as the three of us ladies stood alone an' away from everyone. "Why isn't anyone telling me anything?" I grew even more frustrated by the second. "What the fuck happened to my son!"

"Nova please." Mama Gena spoke up.

"He's been shot baby."

My heart then shattered into a million pieces as those words left my mother's mouth.

"What?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Someone shot him after football practice as he stood out back at school waiting on Mell." Mama continued. "Mell found him lying in blood all alone with no one in sight."

"They tried to kill my baby?" My voice began to crack as I thought of the worse. "They left him there to die Mama?"

I became historical at this point wanting to just scream.

"My baby?!" I yelled out loud. "Where's Mell? - Can someone take me to see him?"

"Nova breathe." Mama Gena began tearing up as she noticed the pain I'd been in.

"No Mama." I shook my head uncontrollably wishing this was all a dream. "I'm not doing this." I walked off from them both.


I heard them both yell out but refused to look back.

Running away from everyone an out front towards the exit of the hospital I then bumped into someone falling flat onto my butt.

Sitting there not wanting to move as my entire body grew numb all I could think of was my son.

Who could've done this to such an innocent little boy.

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