Chapter Sixteen - The truth

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Nova's P.O.V

Sitting beside my son as he explained to Mell an' I what's been going on complete anger had just taken over my entire body.

To think that this entire time we've been thinking Dr. Williams would never harm our child an' for all these months he's been helping us was a complete lie hurt us.

We've been coming to this hospital every damn day to see our son but was told he was either asleep or was being examined.

Come to find out the entire time he'd been given medications to lose memory an' also put him to sleep constantly.

He was constantly told lies upon lies an' that shit turned me red.

I was never one to get angry or cause someone lose their job but messing with my kids? Fuck that shit.

So here we are now - Sitting together thinking of a master plan.


"Are you guys coming back?" Mello questioned.

"Most definitely." Mell assured him with a hug before dapping him.

"We love you." I sent a comforting smile his way before gently placing my lips against his forehead.

"We do too." The girls all smiled while bringing him into warm hugs.

"Two days." I assured him. "This'll all be over."

Placing one last kiss against his forehead I then followed behind Mell as he led us all out.

I just couldn't believe what was going on.

It's like we could never live a normal life - Someone was always after us.


Mell's P.O.V

Finally laying home in bed a bit confused as to what was going on, thoughts continuously ran through my head.

I was beyond angry at this point - I wanted to kill anyone that even looked at me the wrong way.

But sitting here thinking, all I could think of was that Dr. Williams couldn't have done all this shit by himself.

Someone had to be involved an' whoever it was must not like the life they were living.

"Is everything set up?"

"Yeah." I assured Nova. "We not gone watch anything until these two days are up."

"No." She quickly replied. "What if they hurt him."

"They're not." I assured her. "I'm sure jail is the last place any doctor wants to be at this point in time.

"So what? We're just gonna sit an' wait?"

"Yes." I gently pulled her into bed with me. "You know I can handle any situation that comes my way, no matter how hard the task may be."

"An' I get that but can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead." I replied a bit curious.

"Be honest - Who was the girl from earlier."

I then sighed out loud already knowing she'd never let the situation go.

"Honestly?" I dreaded telling her the truth only because I knew it would upset her.


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