The Truth..... and Sneaking Away

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So we're home and the con couldn't have gone better, we got the guy on insurance fraud and all of his victims are getting their money back and their lives. It felt really good to do that. 

The plane lands and we all get into our cars then head home. I have Mason in my car and we're heading to our place. We were back to our old selves and making funny faces at each other. I laugh at him as I drive to our place. I wanted to shower and change before I head over to James's. 

"So you figure out how you're gonna tell him?" Mas asks as we pull up to our place, which is actually an old building that we converted. We made it modern looking on the inside and left the outside the same. The building is ours and we use the bottom as a back-up office if our old one get's... ya know... found.

"I was thinking of waiting," I say as I step out of the car and grab my douffle bag.

"Mel, you can't keep on lying to him about who you are. The longer you wait the more he'll resent you for not telling him."

"Damn you and you're rightness," I laugh as we walk up the steps. 

"Come on, you haveta tell him. If he actually is your soul mate, like you believe that he is, then he'll be in your life some how." He pats my back before heading into his room as I open the door. 

I groan and walk into my room. I throw my bag onto the bed and walk to my shower. I go in and strip down. I do my usual routine, but slowly. I take my time and even trim my bakini area. I get out and put on a fleshtoned push-up bra that has black lace over it. I then proceed to pull on a pair of black lace no-show briefs. According to Victoria's Secret they are the sexiest no-show briefs. Ok then. Anywho. I then walk out to grab my black shredded tee that has in pink letters "Nevermind" (Picture on side) . I pull it on then grab my acid wash Daisy Duke shorts that had a couple of rips in in. I then grab a pair of my black knee high converse along with my knee high black socks. I get them on and walk back into the bathroom. I do barely any makeup but I put on red lipstick. I take a deep breath then grab my leather shoulder bag with my stuff and walk out.

"You better tell him!" Mason yells from his room. 

"Bye Mas!" I yell walking out. I put my black Ray Bands on and walk to my car. I have actual control of my music now so I play Fall Out Boy and rock out 'til I pull up outside James's house. I take one last  breath before I walk up to his door. I was gonna tell him. I was gonna do it.

He didn't open the door, so I knocked again. 

He opens the door and instantly plants his lips onto mine. God did that feel amazing. I missed him more than I knew. And he missed me just as much, which was the most amazing feeling in the world.  

"God I missed you," he mumbles against my lips. 

"Missed you too," I mumble back. I drop my bag on the table near the door. I get pulled into his chest and then finally we break apart for air. 

"Hey Baby," I say taking a few steps back.

"Hey your self. God I missed you. By the way, you look pretty badass right now." he chuckles pulling me by my waist back to him.

"James, I gotta tell you something," I say and I realize that there's a giant window behind us. 

"What is it? You can tell me anything," he says in a husky/sexy, voice. 

"I-I-I," I stutter my words then realize something going on outside. I watch as 3 black hummers pull up outside the house. I first think it's the Feds, but then the men come out and they have guns.... big guns. "Get down," I pull James to the ground as the bullets start flying. 

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