Chapter 12: Photos

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Belgium's POV

Before walking out of the house, or actually even leaving the house, I could even hear Romano mutter something in his sleep. I looked at him sleeping, almost looked like a nightmare. "Huh, my dreams are usually about waffles," I said and lightly giggled. I sat at Romano's bedside and I was actually curious about what he was dreaming about.

"N-No fratello...don't...take away my-a...Ragazza.."

"Lovino, wake up. It's just a dream I'm right here," I said and cupped his cheeks with my hand. "No!" He yelled and woke up with his green eyes wide in fear. He quickly sat up breathing heavily.

"B-Bella I'm-a sorry," Romano said and had suddenly pulled me into a tight hug. My eyes widened as I smiled and hugged him back. "Hey, it's just a nightmare don't worry about me," I said and released him, sitting next to Romano.

He tended to calm down by a little. He looked at me with a look of relief filled in his eyes. He half grinned and held my hand. "It looked so-a real. You were-a leaving me for my-a fratello Antonio," Romano said and frowned. "Awe your so worked up over me! I won't leave you, Lovino," I said. Romano's eyes widened as a red blush appeared on his cheeks.

He crossed his arms and pouted a little. "I mean, it should be-a stupid that I'm-a worked up over a dream-a. But I'm really afraid of-a losing you," Romano said. I sighed and leaned against his shoulder. "Lovino, don't think I'm not afraid of loosing you, either. That maybe Herman might split us apart, or something like that," I said.

Romano half grinned again. "I may be-a weak but I'm not-a letting that happen," Romano said. I smiled and looked around the room. "Hey, can I go and look around a bit?" I asked. Romano nodded. "Sure," he replied. I stood up as he did the same. I opened the door from his room and went outside.

There was this unfamiliar room that made my curiosity grow. Though it was unfamiliar, I have a feeling that I could look in it and is France-Free. "Hey, Lovino? Can I go in this room?" I asked. Romano hesitated a little as he looked at the room. "Sure," he said in the end.

I opened the door slowly and went inside. It looked a bit empty, almost like a wasteland. Almost feels like there was no life in the pictures. I couldn't help but look at a row of framed pictures of someone that looks familiar. I saw him in my history books once and I think he was my history teacher, too.

It was Ancient Rome, I believe. But there were one pictures that weren't even of him. Others of his grandsons for example Spain and Romano as well as Italy. But there were two people that looked strangely familiar. Two blondes. Almost looked like me and Netherlands.

It was only on one picture that caught my attention. Netherlands still looked as scary as he does today, but as a kid. As modest and mean as he does now, portrayed him as a kid. I was still as happy and bubbly as I am now. I wore a green fabric headband and a green dress.

Spain was there, too. Standing surprisingly close to me. Of course, there was an adorable picture of Romano in a pink dress. He was holding a tomato and was still as stubborn as he sort of is. One thing I don't remember, when do I remember this happening?

"Hey, Lovino. Can you come here for a second?" I asked and faced Romano. He nodded and stood next to me. I pointed at each person in the picture, listing them all. He soon nodded and looked at the picture. "You were-a Antonio's childhood-a crush. I just-a remember now," Romano said. "H-Huh?" I asked and looked at him. Romano was facing down at a book he was holding.

Incidents of Ancient Rome and Germania

The book he was holding looked a bit dusty. Then Romano opened the book to a certain page the number 44. There was even some writing in marker. Washable marker. The kind that kids bring as school supplies. It was even a bit smeared.

Then suddenly, it hit me.


"Hey! Check this out, Bella! You too, Herman!" Spain exclaimed out in the grasses. If was little Spain. About the age of 10. I giggled and grabbed Netherlands' arm. "Come on Big Brother Herman! It might be cool!" I exclaimed. Netherlands sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine," he said.

I walked over to Spain as Romano was there in white clothes. "Hey, I'm-a hungry," Romano said. Spain sighed. "Hold on! Look what I got from Grandpa Rome!" Spain exclaimed and showed off an axe. Netherlands hovered over me in a protective stance. "Your not getting anywhere near my sister with at!" Netherlands exclaimed. Spain sighed and put the axe away.

"Lovino do you want me to make waffles?" I asked him. Romano nodded. "Si!" Romano exclaimed. Netherlands shook his head. "Grandpa Germania and Grandpa Rome are still in there," Netherlands said. Spain raised one eyebrow. "So? Come on they love us!" Spain exclaimed and walked to the house close by.

"Wait!" I exclaimed in a quiet voice. Netherlands and Spain stopped running as Romano did the same. As we quieted down, we were all too short to see from the windows except for Spain and Netherlands. So we watched as they spied on them from the Windows and Romano and I were listening to sounds.

"I'm not letting you go near my grandchildren if that ever happens!" I heard Ancient Rome say. "Zhat's vhy I need jou to sign zhis treaty. Jour grandchildren von't be able to see each other until at zhe appropriate age of adolescence," I heard Germania say. My eyes widened. I heard the scribble off a pen.

"NO!" Spain yelled and pried the windows open with his new axe. He jumped in and started hitting Germania with his fists. "Antonio! Stop!" I heard Ancient Rome yell as I climbed on top of the window and got inside. I started to cry and Netherlands comforted me. Romano himself was angry.

He grabbed a washable marker and scribbled it all over the treaty that was stuck in a book. Page 44. "No! I want to see-a Bella and-a Herman still! No!" Romano exclaimed. Ancient Rome picked them both up and dragged them up the stairs. Germania had did the same except in the opposite directions.

"Antonio! Lovino!" I exclaimed. But it was too late. They were already out of my sight.

*end of flashback*

My eyes widened as I remember what happened. That's why I couldn't remember who Romano was at the beginning. And that's how I suddenly remembered calling him Lovi the first day we met. I looked at Romano. He looked at me back like he just remembered what happened.

"Do you know? Why we were separated?" I asked him. Romano shook his head. "Antonio never-a knew, either," Romano said. He immediately closed the book and put it back in his shelf. I had done the same with the picture I was holding.

I left the house and walked on the sidewalk, as quiet as a mouse. The wind rustling and blowing on my face. I looked at the floor, barely even paying attention to my surroundings. All I could think of, was that memory...

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