Everyone, Meet Abuse

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If it were anyone else, Damian would have punched them by now. After all, no one could get away with hugging him — well, maybe Grayson if he was heavily drugged, but that was it. However, this was Colin, and though Damian didn't like to admit it, he did let his friend (acquaintance; he'd meant acquaintance) get away with an awful lot.

Plus, Colin had just saved his life. He'd called for backup, but he'd known that his family would never make it in time. If Colin hadn't been there, in full Abuse-mode, Damian wasn't sure if he would have been able to escape the gunfire unscathed.

(Well — relatively unscathed. He could feel blood running down his arm from where he'd been clipped in the shoulder, but it hardly bothered him).

So fine, Colin was hugging him, but he'd allow it for now. Because Colin had saved his life, and Damian supposed that he owed him (also, it was Colin).

...Not that he meant anything by that, of course.

If Damian had been paying more attention to his surroundings, and less attention to a certain red-head, he would have heard the rest of his family arrive.


Dick took one glance at the huge, hulking thing that was crushing Damian, and proceeded to freak the hell out.

"Get away from him right now!" he snarled.

The creature — or really big man, or whatever he was — didn't seem to hear him, and continued to crush Damian. He was muttering something under his breath — Dick heard the words, "could have died, seriously," but didn't think anything of them. He was preoccupied with the sheer terror clouding his mind.

"Dammit," he growled, "I said let him go!"

"Nightwing, don't do anything," Tim hissed. He sounded apprehensive, and his entire form was tense. "That guy could crush him."

Jason's eyes narrowed. "I might be able to shoot him — "

"Not until he lets go of Robin!" Tim snapped.

While the three brothers argued, shooting frantic glances at their little brother and his 'captor', Steph shot Cass a curious glance.

"You're not freaking out," she noted.

"No," Cass replied, shrugging. "He's only hugging him."

Steph stared. "...What?"

Cass nodded her head towards the pair. "Robin isn't tense," she said, "and the man doesn't want to hurt him."

Steph blinked. "...Huh," she said at least.

"Okay, fuck this," Jason snarled, lifting his gun. "Put the kid down, or I'll shoot."

"No!" Damian cried, struggling to escape from Colin's hold. This seemed to make his brothers — who could only see their little brother, trying to escape from his 'captor's' hold — even more tense. "For godsake — "

"Robin, just stay calm!" Dick yelled.

"Abuse!" Damian hissed, kicking Colin's leg in a frantic movement. "Let go!"

Colin blinked. "What?"

"Let go!"

"...Huh?" Colin glanced up. His eyes widened as he realised that they were no longer alone. "Oh!" he cried, and gently lowered Damian to the ground. He straightened, and waved cheerily at the crowd in front of him, oblivious to the tension.

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