Shitty day.

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You know that feeling when the guy of your dreams cheats on you and you kinda just... lay there? because that's me right now but just before I get started and tell you my story let me present myself.

Hello, I'm Elizabeth Snow, a 23 year old youtuber that resides in Dallas Texas, I like to think I'm a pretty short for my age being 5'3 at 23 years old is not something I'm necessarily proud of but oh well, I think that's it so, let's get on with the story.

This morning I went to my boyfriends, well, ex-boyfriends house to celebrate our 3 year anniversary, I did my hair and makeup just so perfectly and went to his house smiling so much my face hurt.

I didn't knock on the door because I wanted to scare him, when I went in I saw something strange to say the least, high heels, and obviously it weirded me out because those weren't mine but me being me i thought that maybe that was my present and now looking back at it, that should've sent a big ass red flag on by brain but who can blame me? it was my 3 year anniversary with the asshole, so I kept walking all the way upstairs.

Once in front of his bedroom door I didn't knock, again because poor little me wanted to surprise the asshole, I opened the door and saw Ryder, my boyfriend, sleeping peacefully but then I heard the sink being used in his restroom and not 5 seconds later I saw a tall woman about 5'6 with just a shirt coming out, she lifted her head up and saw me standing there and her face got as white as a ghost, I was just kind of... standing there trying to cope with everything and it surprises me how I didn't break down in tears at that moment.

As cliche as it sounds Ryder woke up at that exact moment and saw the both of us standing there and got up as if his ass was on fire.

"Babe, I can totally explain all of this I-" I cut him off, there was no need of explaining everything I knew everything was going complete and utter bullshit.

"Are you really going to try and bullshit me? oh sweetheart you clearly don't know what you're doing, happy 3 year anniversary asshole, were done." and with that i threw the necklace he gave me in our 1 year anniversary at a carnival and stepped on it completely shattering the cheap crystal that meant do much to me 5 minutes ago and then opened the present I bought him, a frame with a collage with the day we got together, our first anniversary, our second anniversary and there was just enough space for our third one but I guess not, I let the frame drop to the ground and it shattered a mess completely made on the floor.

I then took the keys to his house and threw them at him while walking over to his nightstand and taking the key to my apartment.

Bolting down the stairs I quickly got in my car and drove home breaking down once I got to the end of his street.


Filler chapter just kind of testing the waters to where i want to take the story, so yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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