Chapter Ten- Connection Strange

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"I thought this would be strictly business." I rose my eyebrows at Malfoy as we continued to slowly walk down the street of Hogsmeade.
"We're allowed some fun, right?" Malfoy asked, then, he stood in front of me, stopping me from walking and took my other hand in his. He leaned into my ear. "Follow me." He whispered, sending spikes of shivers down my spine. He let go of my hands, which made me feel surprisingly sad, then ran off in front of me.
"Hey, wait!" I yelled after him, but then decided to do as he said, and followed him. He ran down the street until we reached the Hog's Head Inn, then he dodged right and ran off down the side of two shops called Dervish & Banges and Madam Puddifoot's. Draco continued running past the shop and I continued following him, until he lead me past some trees and into a clearing. Once he slowed to a halt, I did the same, breathing heavily. I leaned over and coughed, placing my hands on my knees.
"Did we really have to run?" I said, in between taking large gulps of air.
"Come on, Granger. Have you ever even played Quidditch? It's one hundred times worse than running." Malfoy laughed and walked over a bit further away, which made me realize where we actually were. We were in the clearing where you could see the shrieking shack, where we had come in the third year.
"I remember this place!" I said, smiling and recalling the time that Harry freaked out Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle with his invisibility cloak.
"Ah, finally, you remember." Malfoy walked over to the fence that was looking out towards the ridden down shack in the distance. I joined him, standing next to him and looking out at the snow fallen lands. "It's still beautiful, though. Even if there is a freaky shack in the picture." But Malfoy wasn't looking at the view, he was looking at me, but I didn't want to look back, because I was too embarrassed.
"Yeah, it is incredible." I said, although I was finding it a struggle to speak because Malfoy was staring at me so intensely. I felt too uncomfortable, so I looked at him and smiled in a tight line. "I'm not the scenery, Malfoy."
"Yeah right." Malfoy smirked, again, his average smirk that I knew way too well.
"You've never actually smiled at me." I realized. "It's always been a sly smirk, or something."
Malfoy shrugged, and turned his body so that he faced me. I did the same.
"It's just what I do." He chuckled.
"Try it." I looked up at him, noticing how tall he was. He was more than a foot taller. "It's easy, see." I smiled genuinely, trying not to look creepy so that I would scare him off.
Malfoy laughed slightly, but he didn't smile. "It's impossible, I'm afraid."
"Shame." I continued smiling, but then realized that I was looking at his eyes anymore, but at his lips. I looked away, turning my head left again to look at the view. Malfoy placed a hand under my chin and pulled my vision back to him. He lowered his hand and slipped both of them into my coat and behind my back, then he pulled my body up against his. I placed my hands behind his neck and we just hugged. It wasn't anything more or less, just a hug.

Something had changed about Malfoy in these last few months we had been meeting up. He seemed a lot calmer, a lot less spiteful whenever he was around me.

We pulled apart but I didn't smile; I felt as though this situation was too... different for me to constantly smile at him. We just looked at each other for a while, then I lowered my hands and took a step back.
"We should probably get the things we need for that potion." I crossed my arms.
"Yeah, um, sure." Draco scratched his neck and turned to walk away.

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